Critical Advantage Available in New Hampshire Dec. 1, 2021

Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company’s Critical Advantage Portfolio products are once again available for sale in New Hampshire. Due to state regulations, Critical Advantage sales in New Hampshire were previously suspended. Effective December 1, 2021, Critical Illness Insurance, Cancer Insurance and Heart Attack & Stroke Insurance are again available in the state of New Hampshire. Please note that Term Period Coverage and the Cash Value Rider are not available in New Hampshire. The e-App is available as of December 1, 2021 and paper applications can be ordered via your normal ordering channels. Marketing materials will be available mid-December.   Critical
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Categories: Critical Illness, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

The In’s and Out’s of the Critical Advantage e-App

E-Applications offer many advantages. The Critical Advantage e-App is no different. Here’s just a few: Ensures your application is completed in its entirety before you submit it Allows you to complete the application in good order Ensures you’re using the right forms Offers the ability to view and/or print state filed forms at any time Reduces application scrubbing time Allows you to choose your method of signature collection – e-signature email, e-signature face-to-face or wet signature Provides a paperless “green” experience Allows you to quote a premium and complete an application at the same time However, the e-App can take
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Categories: Critical Illness, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Washington State Sales Reminder | Holiday Hours

State of Washington LTC sales resume with limitations. Quote software updated to reflect WA limits. Beginning Nov. 20, Thrivent is once again accepting long-term care (LTC) applications for the state of Washington. What you need to know The $3,000 minimum monthly benefit that was in place immediately prior to suspension of Washington LTC sales will remain. The minimum contract holder age will go back to age 18. Because we cannot make the effective date a date other than the application date or issue date, LTC contracts sold in Washington going forward will not be eligible for the Washington Cares Act
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Thrivent.

Resuming Washington state sales on 11/20

State of Washington long-term care applications accepted starting Nov. 20 Starting Nov. 20, we will once again begin accepting long-term care (LTC) applications for the state of Washington. What you need to know The $3,000 minimum monthly benefit that was in place immediately prior to suspension of Washington LTC sales will remain. The minimum contract holder age will go back to age 18. Because we cannot make the effective date a date other than the application date or issue date, LTC contracts sold in Washington going forward will not be eligible for the Washington Cares Act exemption. On November 20,
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Thrivent.

Thrivent LTC: Session timeouts while using e-App?

Experiencing session timeouts in the Thrivent e-App? iPipeline has determined this happens most often when users first access FormsPipe and then subsequently launches the e-App on iGO. If the user leaves FormsPipe open in the background, it continues to use the FormsPipe instance for the session timeout and not iGO. To prevent unexpected session timeouts, users should close FormsPipe so the session no longer times out in the background. iPipeline is working on a more permanent fix to the issue, and has this scheduled for their next product Sprint.       #goldencareagent #thrivent #ltc
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Thrivent.

Enhanced LTCi Prescreening Process

New prescreening team reduces turnaround times To improve the response time on underwriting prequalification requests, as well as to help expediate the cycle time for new business, Thrivent LTCi prequalification requests will now be processed by emailing With our previous process, we strived for a 24-hour response time, but that should be greatly improved with our new process. We have successfully tested this approach in a pilot with a few select BGAs and have experienced greatly improved turnaround times. This experienced prescreening team is helping alleviate some of the burden from our underwriters at LTCG, helping to further reduce
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Thrivent.

Something’s coming (get excited!)

eApp to offer client collaboration When it comes to tele-interviews, we’re sure you’ve heard client frustration with hold times or sharing their personal information with a stranger. Well, we’re excited to announce that soon Securian Financial will be offering the option for your clients to fill out the underwriting questionnaire (part 2) as part of the eApp process,* giving them the opportunity to answer medical questions at their convenience without having to go through a tele-interview. We believe this enhancement can help improve the experience of our customers so keep an eye on your inbox for more information.   Contact
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Securian.

Have you heard about Lumico’s Med Supp Cup incentive program?

AEP has already begun, which means our first ever Med Supp Cup incentive program is already under way! Sell Med Supp plans underwritten by Elips Life and/or Lumico, and you’ll reap big rewards! Here’s how: Issue 5 to 9 apps: receive a cash bonus of $200 x total apps issued For 10 to 19 apps: $220 x total apps issued For 20 to 29 apps: $240 x total apps issued 30+ apps: $260 x total apps issued We’ll see you at the finish line! Lumico Medigap Solutions team Check out the Med Supp Cup Flyer to learn more!   Lumico
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, and Medicare Supp./Adv..

LTC New Business Rate Refresh and Benefit Changes for Additional States (NY, MT)

As a leading long-term care insurance carrier, Mutual of Omaha has a responsibility to our policyholders and distribution partners to ensure our pricing strategy and product offerings are in line with industry trends, internal claims data and the economic environment. Last year, Mutual of Omaha began implementing new rates and benefit option changes to the MutualCare® Solutions Portfolio in approved states. Effective November 1, 2021, we will be implementing these changes in two additional states. Impacted States Montana and New York Rate Adjustments Premium adjustments may vary by age, sex and benefit selection. You may view the new rates by
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).