Are you meeting all your clients’ needs?

Why Do Med Supp Clients Need PDP and Dental? There’s a simple reason … Med supp policies don’t cover prescription drugs. They don’t cover dental services either. So, if your Med supp clients have to purchase a PDP plan from someone, why not from you? And if dental insurance is the most often requested supplemental benefit for Medicare-age customers, why not give your clients what they want? In the April edition of our Medicare Solutions Educational Series, Sales Director Jeremy Grantham discusses how easy it is to add PDP and dental to a Med supp sale. Here are just some
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Categories: Industry News, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Improvements to the Underwriting Call Center Prompts

Beginning Thursday, April 15th, you will hear new prompts when you contact our Underwriting Call Center. One of the most notable enhancements is if you are calling for an Underwriting Risk Assessment (pre-screening). You will now be able to bypass the Underwriting Call Center and go directly to the appropriate underwriting team for Express Life, Fully-Underwritten Life, Disability Income and Express Health. Why are these changes being made? Mutual of Omaha began introducing the Amazon Web Services phone platform just over two years ago; and, this platform has opened up additional capabilities for our company’s call routing strategies. It also
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Categories: Critical Illness, Dental, Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, Life Insurance, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Get A Quote Now! Mutual Income Solutions DI

The Mutual Income Solutions quote and e-Application allow you to quote and complete disability income insurance applications online. Start A New Quote Before getting started, be sure to disable pop-up blockers and be sure you are using Chrome. Go to Scroll down the page and find the link to Live Dashboard Click Start New Quote on the dashboard. If you’re looking for a previously saved quote, click the Go To Dashboard link at the bottom of the quote screen. Complete the Personal Information and Plan Information fields. Select Optional Riders and Discounts. You may enter the information in any
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

How We Stack Up to the Competition

How We Stack Up to the Competition This brochure outlines some of the competitive advantages you get when working with a carrier fully committed to traditional LTCi. From the training and support we provide to our financial strength and experience in the LTCi world… it’s all there. See the details →     If you have any questions, please contact your Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or email   How We Stack Up to the Competition   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Medicare Solutions – Omaha Family of Companies

Medicare Supplement: Upcoming Rate Adjustments View upcoming rate adjustments in South Dakota, Tennessee, Connecticut, and Nebraska.   May Rate Release View the new rates for Maryland, Florida, and Colorado effective May 1, 2021.   2021 Med Supp Broker Bonus Program Make some extra cash, when you write Medicare supplement policies, through our Broker Bonus program.   Dental: A Perfect Pair Did you know that dental insurance is the most often requested supplemental benefit for Medicare enrollees?   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Dental, Industry News, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Preparing for the Health Interview

Preparation is the key to a successful health interview. Preparing clients for the underwriting process can go a long way toward ensuring their applications get issued. Why? An interviewer may mistakenly assume confused applicants have cognitive issues that make them uninsurable. In reality, an applicant may simply be distracted or not fully prepared to answer questions about their health, their doctors and their medications. Mutual of Omaha has a handy leave-behind brochure you can use to walk your clients through the next steps in the underwriting process and help them prepare for the health interview. Next LTCi application, take a
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Tough Battle, Right Team

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be devastating, but the odds of surviving may be higher than you think. Survival rates for many of the common types of cancer, continue to increase. Mutual of Omaha’s Cancer Insurance gives your clients money to pay for things most health insurance does not cover including: Replacing lost income High deductibles Paying for groceries and bills Plus, our coverage pays a lump-sum benefit. See more about the odds of surviving a cancer diagnosis here.   If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or email   Tough
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Categories: Critical Illness, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Mutual Income Solutions Highlight Sheet

There can be a lot to cover when discussing our new disability income insurance policy, Mutual Income Solutions. By using our consumer-facing highlight sheet, you’ll be able to start the conversation with your clients about how this important insurance policy can help replace a portion of their income if they’re sick, injured or unable to work.   To learn more about Mutual Income Solutions visit for more information about our new income protection solution.   Mutual Income Solutions Highlight Sheet   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha #disability
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Great news! Our Med supp Kentucky rates are among the lowest

We did the research so you don’t have to. It’s hard to keep track of which carrier is lowest in Kentucky when Med supp rates change monthly. To help you stay as up-to-date as possible, we ran rates for two of the most popular plans, Plans G and N. And what we saw was great news. What’s the news, you say? Our Medicare supplement comes in at a competitive position in Kentucky. Check it out*! Carrier Plan G Plan N United World Life Insurance Company $106.28 $85.07 Average of Top Carriers $119.43 $101.84   * Sample rates as of 4/1/21
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Categories: Industry News, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Simplified Issue Life: Weekly Time Service Update (4/8)

From the Desk of Marty Johnson We want to thank you for the amount of business we have received, and continue to receive, due to your commitment and partnership. Due to the unprecedented volume of new business, our Simplified Issue Life Underwriting team is experiencing delays in time service. To accommodate this, we are increasing our staff and working overtime on nights and weekends to ensure your business is handled properly, and as quickly as possible. As we work toward returning to expected service levels, we are committed to keeping you updated on our service times. Our current time service
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).