Washington State Cares Fund Reminder As a reminder NGL has instituted new policy minimum benefits, underwriting requirements and administrative changes in Washington State only. To provide coverage similar to the benefits available through the Washington Cares Fund: The minimum Daily Benefit Amount available is $100. Applications with $50 – $90 Daily Benefit Amounts will not be accepted. The applicant must choose an inflation option. Applications with no inflation will not be accepted. Facility only applications will not be accepted. Underwriting: If an applicant in Washington has not been seen by a physician in the last 24 months, they will be
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Long-Term Care Insurance Case Monitoring Update
From the Desk of Allen Gregoire Mutual of Omaha has experienced a large influx of long-term care application submissions over the past several weeks due to the WA Cares Fund. This increase in submissions has caused a slight delay in entering LTC applications into our back-office systems and subsequently your case status appearing on Sales Professional Access (SPA). Our teams are working diligently to process LTCi cases as quickly as possible; however, until they are entered into our system, we are unable to confirm the application received date. We encourage you to check the website for updates rather than calling
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assessment, case submission, insurance, insurance company, long-term, Long-Term Care, long-term care insurance, LTC, LTC application, LTCi, Mutual, mutual of omaha, Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, MutualCare, MutualCare Solutions, MutualCare Solutions LTC, MutualCare Solutions LTCi, MutualCare Solutions Product, omaha, policy, WA Cares Fund, WA LTSS Trust Act, and WA Trust Act.
Updated MutualCare® Solutions Product Guide
The MutualCare® Solutions Product Guide has been updated to offer clarification on several items, including: Page 19, General Guidelines: Added subsequent applications to page under “Watch the Date.” Page 33, Long-Term Care Training: Updated copy language. Page 37, Care Coordination Services: Updated copy language. The new guide is now available. Please discontinue use of old versions and order new through normal ordering channels. Updated MutualCare® Solutions Product Guide #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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insurance, insurance company, long-term, Long-Term Care, long-term care insurance, LTC, LTCi, Mutual, mutual of omaha, Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, MutualCare, MutualCare Solutions, MutualCare Solutions LTC, MutualCare Solutions LTCi, MutualCare Solutions Product, omaha, policy, and product guide.
Independence Day Office Closing 2021
Mutual of Omaha and its affiliates (United of Omaha and United World) will be closed on Monday, July 5th for Independence Day. Additionally, our Client Interview Team will not have Saturday hours on July 3rd due to the holiday weekend. Below are the cut-off dates and times and the adjusted pay schedules. Holiday Pay Calculation Schedule Med Supp E-App & All Life Cutoff 3:00 PM Health Cutoff 3:00 PM Long Term Care Cutoff 3:00 PM Direct Deposit (EFT) Available Independence Day, Observed Monday 7/5/2021 Tuesday 7/6/2021 Tuesday 7/6/2021 Friday 7/2/2021 Friday 7/2/2021 Friday 7/9/2021 Weekly and holiday pay schedules
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holiday, holiday closing, holiday closure, insurance, Memorial Day, mutual of omaha, Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company, omaha, Omaha affiliates, United of Omaha, United World, and United World Life Insurance Company.
Good News | Take A Moment And Share Your Thoughts & Concerns With Us
Good News! Share Your Thoughts & Concerns About The WA Cares Fund How concerned are you about the Washington Trust Act and its effect on the Long-Term Care industry? Especially given the rapid-fire changes related to the WA Cares Fund, we want to hear from you! Provide your comments and concerns, because your feedback may be discussed during our LTCi Industry Impacts webinar Wednesday, June 30th with special guest, Steven Moses! Wed, June 30, 2021 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT Click Here to add additional carriers & products to your appointments. Questions? Call our Marketing Team at
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Washington Cares Fund – CURRENT AND UPDATED NEWS
GoldenCare has received many questions related to the Washington Cares Fund, and want to help position you for success. We’ve gathered key details here, ranging from the informative consumer website, LTCi carrier news and updates, to news articles and related stories. WA Cares Fund consumer website http://www.wacaresfund.wa.gov/private-insurance/ Special GoldenCare Training Event With LTC Expert Steve Moses YOU ASKED. WE LISTENED! The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Washington LTSS Trust Act are among the top concerns noted by our agents. Join us for an LTCi Industry Impacts presentation with one of the most influential and respected people in long-term
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insurance, Long-Term Care, long-term care insurance, LTC, LTC application, LTCi, mutual of omaha, MutualCare, MutualCare Solutions, National Guardian Life, National Guardian Life Insurance Company, NGL, omaha, paramed, Steve Moses, Thrivent, Thrivent Financial, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Underwriting', WA Cares Act, WA Cares Fund, WA LTSS Trust Act, and WA Trust Act.
“Why Long-Term Care Cost Reports Are Often Misleading”
“Why Long-Term Care Cost Reports Are Often Misleading,” by Romeo Raabe, ThinkAdvisor Quote: “‘Median cost’ means half of the costs will be below the median and half will be above. The median auto accident is $7,500, how much liability insurance do you carry? Thus, if the median cost of a nursing home is $8,821 per month, according to one survey, this means there may be some charging $6,450 per month and some charging $11,192 per month. This does not even begin to address the different needs of various residents. … I tell [my clients] about the median nursing home costs,
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“LTCG’s Annual Cost of Care Report Reveals How the Global Pandemic and Other Industry Trends Impacted Long Term Care Costs”
“LTCG’s Annual Cost of Care Report Reveals How the Global Pandemic and Other Industry Trends Impacted Long Term Care Costs,” LTCG, Business Wire Quote: “The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on senior care recipients and care providers. This year’s data reflects a notable shift in claims from facilities to home-based care in 2020, which accelerated an existing preference by consumers to age at home. In the face of that trend, home care providers had to compete for scarce caregivers, while facilities battled higher costs amid lower occupancy. LTCG’s study found that the average hourly rate for a home health
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“Did you receive a ‘long-term care’ email from your employer? Here’s what it means to opt-in or opt-out”
“Did you receive a ‘long-term care’ email from your employer? Here’s what it means to opt-in or opt-out,” by Mike Lewis, GeekWire Quote: “They arrived over the past month in the inboxes of Microsoft coders, Amazon copy editors, and Boeing engineers along with tens of thousands of other employees across Washington state: Emails from payroll departments or human resources telling staffers that they might have the option to opt-out of a new state payroll tax to fund long-term care. To which many employees responded: ‘What in the world…?’” … OK. So should I opt-in or out? Those are not the
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“Meetings, rules and deadlines push long-term care law along”
“Meetings, rules and deadlines push long-term care law along,” by Elizabeth Hovde, Washington Policy Center Quote: “An investment subcommittee working on the WA Cares Fund — the state’s new long-term care entitlement program that comes with a payroll tax on workers beginning in January — met today. The meeting offered confirmation that the 2020 ballot-box defeat of a constitutional amendment set this program up for long-term failure. The constitutional amendment would have allowed the state to invest the program’s dollars into stocks and other methods of investment. Without such investment, the fund appears doomed, despite a payroll tax of 58 cents per
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