Inforce LTCi Rate Adjustments Effective May 1, 2024

Mutual of Omaha actively monitors our inforce long-term care business, filing rate adjustments when necessary to ensure we keep our promises to policyholders and remain competitive in the marketplace. We will be implementing the following inforce rate adjustments in the state of Arkansas, effective May 1, 2024. Impacted Forms 2024 Increase LTC04G 15% LTC04I 15% LTC04I7 15% LTC09M 15% LTC06UI 15% LTC09U 15%   Policyholder Notification Process Policyholders will receive a letter notifying them at least 60* days prior to the premium rate increase effective date as outlined above. Along with the premium rate increase notification letters, most policyholders will
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News: Attend Our PIVOT Consumer Presentation Demo With Tom

Clients With Health Concerns? No Problem!   Just Updated: Our Industry-Leading PIVOT Presentation! We’ve just updated our industry-leading PIVOT Presentation to include the latest Short-Term Care solutions to enter the market! We couldn’t be more pleased to have Tom Randall provide a live demonstration next Wednesday! Our PIVOT Consumer Presentation shows the strength of utilizing our Perfect Portfolio, links to a vast array of resources, and pairs brilliantly with our innovative tools! Join us Wednesday the 28th as we unveil GoldenCare’s 2024 Pivot Presentation: Wed, Feb 28, 2024 3:00 p.m. Central Register now to join Tom Randall for the demo
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Manhattan Life.

Help Your Client’s Policy Benefits Grow

Make sure you help your clients customize their long-term care policy to meet their unique needs. One optional benefit is an inflation protection rider. By adding this rider it can allow your client’s policy benefits to grow each year so by the time they need care, they’ll have more money available to help pay the bills. It also may make their policy partnership qualified, which allows them to protect a portion of their assets in the event they need to apply for Medicaid. To order this customizable brochure, contact Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at   Help Your Client’s
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Six Steps to LTCi Sale

Boost your LTCi sales by furthering your product and sales process knowledge! Our Sales and Marketing Process brochure breaks the sales process down into 6 thoughtful steps, helping you organize your approach to sales. This handy brochure also suggests other educational material for each step in the process, so it’s an invaluable resource for learning all things LTCi. Check out the steps and how they can help you jump start sales by downloading the brochure.   Six Steps to LTCi Sale   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Medicare Solutions – Omaha Family of Companies

Medicare Supplement: Upcoming Rate Adjustments View upcoming rate adjustments for various states.   Earn Some Cash With Broker Bonus Learn more about the Med supp broker bonus program.   Value-Added Extras: Mutual Perks Your Medicare supplement policyholders save with additional perks, coupons and discounts available with their Medicare supplement policy.   Upcoming Rate Adjustments View upcoming rate adjustments for various states.   Dental: Our Dental Insurance Network Learn about our dental insurance network, as well as how to nominate a dentist that may not be in-network.   Prescription Drug Plans: Aging-In Postcard Available for Prescription Drug Plans Prepare to talk
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Categories: Industry News, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Home Health Care Select Consumer Video Now Available

Take a second to view and download our new Home Health Care Select consumer-facing product video. HHCS – Home Health Care Select | ManhattanLife     #goldencareagent #manhattanlife #mac
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Categories: Industry News, Manhattan Life, and Short-Term Care.

Extended Care By The Numbers

It’s not just the risks – it’s the consequences. People insure against risks from natural disasters, home fires and car accidents. Yet they often overlook a large risk that can impact families financially, physically and emotionally—long-term care. This new consumer-approved piece showcases the important numbers—the physical, emotional and financial impact on caregivers, and the reasons why someone should plan today (rising care costs, expected caregiver shortages and data on how age impacts someone’s insurability). ICC23 31425 is approved for use in AK, AL, AR, CO, GA, IA, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC,
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Thrivent.

Enhancements to Policyholder Information

Mutual of Omaha is always trying to make your experience as a broker as easy and seamless as possible. We have updated the Policyholder Information page, on Sales Professional Access (SPA). On your Policyholder Information link (also located under the “Reports” drop down menu) *, you will see the following enhancements have been added:
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Unlocking the Return of Premium Value

Have you ever sat down with a client and heard, “What if I pay all those premiums but don’t use the benefits?” How do you overcome this question when talking with your clients? The return of premium rider is the perfect option. The new flyer discusses the need for coverage and lays out a few return of premium options available to your client. Be sure to bring it up during your next conversation as a practical solution to whether your client should purchase a long-term care insurance policy! ICC Version Flyer Non-ICC Version Flyer   If you have any questions,
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News: Help Clients Avoid Purchase Regrets- Start the STCi Conversation

Clients With Health Concerns? No Problem! Short-Term Care insurance can offer valuable coverage where traditional LTCi cannot. We’ve seen an unbelievable number of LTCi declined cases successfully placed with our STCi carriers. Join us Tuesday for a webinar on Determining Client Eligibility to learn just how easy STC Underwriting is → Tues, Feb 20, 2024 10:00 a.m. Central Before your client falls (and can’t get back up), introduce Short-Term Care insurance into the conversation. Register now to join Jon Randall on Tuesday →       Be on the lookout for updated Tax Deductibility pieces – coming soon! #goldencareagent #manhattanlife
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Manhattan Life.