Long-Term Care – Care Coordination

Today’s Reality — When individuals require assistance with their daily tasks, families frequently find themselves in a situation that demands quick action, with numerous choices to evaluate and immediate judgments to render. The Solution — Mutual of Omaha’s long-term care insurance policies feature a care coordination benefit designed to assist families in handling the long-term care requirements of their loved ones. When a claim is initiated, a care coordinator is assigned to the family as their primary point of contact. This coordinator collaborates closely with the family to organize services and the care needs are properly addressed. Let’s take a
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

LTC Awareness Month: What You Do Matters!

  The Importance of Long-Term Care Insurance: What You Do Matters November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month, and an excellent opportunity to reach out to clients about the importance of planning. Mutual of Omaha offers multiple solutions to help clients plan ahead. We offer traditional long-term care insurance as well as a life insurance product with a long-term care rider. When it comes to long-term care insurance, we want clients to know we are providing solutions to assist them throughout their care journey. We take pride in delivering on our promises when our policyholders and families need it most. The
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

It’s Long-Term Care Awareness Month – 2 new resources available!

New consumer video and flyer We’re pleased to introduce a new consumer-use video and companion flyer that speak to a big Thrivent differentiator – the social impact of our fraternal giving. We’ve found that many clients feel good about having coverage from a company that does good in its communities. Play Video   How Thrivent supports communities A downloadable flyer that helps describe how Thrivent drives impact through our clients and into our communities. This flyer lists up-to-date stats of the impact Thrivent clients have created. Form #31456 Download flyer         #goldencareagent #thrivent #ltc
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Thrivent.

LTC Awareness Month resources from Thrivent

Every November, the industry – led by Life Happens – comes together to sponsor Long Term Care Awareness Month. This campaign is designed to educate consumers about the importance of long-term care and the role it plays in protecting families’ financial security. To take advantage of heightened awareness in the marketplace during the month of November, Thrivent has packaged some of our most popular resources designed to raise awareness and drive contact with financial advisors. The lack of conversations: 92% of consumers believe that financial professionals should talk about long-term care care plans with their clients1 59% of people have
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Thrivent.

South Carolina Rate Adjustment Filing Notification Letter

Mutual of Omaha has filed for rate increases in the state of South Carolina. Although approval is pending, South Carolina requires carriers to notify policyholders of the rate adjustment request via letter. Within the notification letter, the insured was informed of the following: The average proposed rate adjustment The advanced notification requirements (60, 75, or 90 days) The rate increase notification expectations Bureau of Insurance contact information We are continuing to work with the states on the actual rate increase filings and will communicate approved amounts as well as implementation dates when that information is available.   If you have
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Medicaid vs. Long-Term Care Insurance

Help your clients understand the differences of between Medicare and Medicaid vs. Long-Term Care Insurance. Medicare and Medicaid are programs that help to improve/correct specific medical or health problems, however, where they fall short is they don’t help with day-to-day activities of daily living. This is where having the right long-term care policy in place can benefit your clients. Long-term care insurance has several key factors to help your clients stay ahead and plan for the future by: Protecting a lifestyle Offering comprehensive coverage Having flexible benefits Tax advantages Let’s take a closer look at the options provided to your
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

You’re Invited! Introducing OmniFlex™ – Back to Basics

This year’s launch of OmniFlex created a ripple effect in the Short-Term Care insurance market, that has since turned into a tidal wave! Since June, we’ve seen carriers launch enhancements or entirely new products, in order to compete. Let’s go back to basics to understand the “magic.” Regional Director, Jon Randall will review product basics, how it works, and the many market niches this plan fills. Thurs, Oct 26, 2023 2:00 p.m. Central         Add this easy-to-sell product to your portfolio today! DEMO: Quote & Enroll using ManhattanDirect 2.0   OmniFlex is underwritten by Standard Life and
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, Manhattan Life, OmniFlex, and Short-Term Care.

Inforce LTCi Rate Adjustments Effective January 1, 2024

Mutual of Omaha actively monitors our inforce long-term care business, filing rate adjustments when necessary to ensure we keep our promises to policyholders and remain competitive in the marketplace. We will be implementing the following inforce rate adjustments effective January 1, 2024: Georgia & Alabama Policy Forms Impacted 2024 Non-Lifetime Benefit Period Increase 2024 Lifetime Benefit Period Increase LT50 13.1% 15.0% NH50 13.1% 15.0% HCA 13.1% 15.0% LTA 13.1% 15.0% NHA 13.1% 15.0%   Indiana Policy Forms Impacted 2024 Non-Lifetime Benefit Period Increase 2024 Lifetime Benefit Period Increase LT50 10.0% 22.0% NH50 10.0% 22.0% HCA 10.0% 22.0% LTA 10.0% 22.0%
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Commitment to Traditional Long-Term Care Insurance

Although non-conventional funding choices might be suitable for certain individuals, we maintain that a conventional Long-Term Care Insurance policy continues to be the optimal solution for numerous clients. Let’s take a look at some of the distinguishing features that set our products apart from the competition.   If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at (800) 693-6083 or e-mail sales.support@mutualofomaha.com.   Commitment to Traditional Long-Term Care Insurance   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Things to Know Before Completing the Application

Evaluating an application for long-term care insurance involves considering various factors, such as your client’s medical history, current health, medications, and daily activities. When completing the application with your client, make sure you understand their current health, if they have an upcoming medical appointment or procedure or if they have ever been diagnosed with a chronic condition. Use this flyer to help you and your client understand some of the things our underwriting team will evaluate on your application submission that might affect your client’s eligibility..   If you have any questions, please contact Mutual of Omaha’s Sales Support at
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).