Life and Annuity Policies Are Now Emailed

In August, Mutual of Omaha began sending emails with links to PDF copies of all Life and Annuity policies. Please note, policies will continue being mailed via the standard paper policy output process in addition to the new email process. Here’s How It Works An email is sent within 24 hours of policy issue The email is sent to the client, the writing agent, the top-level marketer and any authorized user designated by the writing agent or top level marketer with full access in Sales Professional Access (SPA) The email will contain a link to our Secure Message Portal system,
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Life and Annuity Policy PDFs to be emailed August 5

Mutual of Omaha will begin sending emails containing links to PDF copies of all life and annuity policies beginning August 5, 2020. The email will be sent within 24 hours of policy issue and will be sent directly to the client, the writing agent, the top-level marketer and any authorized user designated by the writing agent or the top level marketer with full access in Sales Professional Access. This email process will be in addition to the current paper policy output. The email will contain a link to our Secure Message Portal system allowing access to view the PDF of
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Changes to Asset-Care® in California launching on July 25

Changes to Asset-Care® in California launching on July 25 OneAmerica® is committed to the asset-based long-term care market and to offering products that bring value to both our agents and the clients we serve together. To maintain the viability of our Asset-Care® product in California and continue offering it until the updated product is available in this state, we are making key updates starting July 25.   What’s changing The changes we’re making to Asset-Care in California will allow us to adjust our overall product pricing to align with current market conditions while maintaining a strong product. They also reflect
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Categories: Industry News, Linked Benefit/Hybrids, and OneAmerica.

Asset Care: Bringing value to Montana and Washington, D.C.

Asset Care: Bringing value to Montana and Washington, D.C. We’re pleased to announce that our updated Asset Care® product, originally launched in 2019, will become available in Montana and Washington, D.C. on June 20.   Our updated Asset Care product provides several unique benefits, including: Optional joint coverage and lifetime benefits Single Premium Drop-In Rider (SPDR) on the Recurring Premium Whole Life funding option A new 5-pay option on the recurring premium whole life funding option – your clients will now be able to choose a 5-, 10- or 20-year pay option or a pay to 95 option Zero-day waiting
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Categories: Industry News, Linked Benefit/Hybrids, and OneAmerica.

Changes to OneAmerica Annuity Care II

Coming on April 25: Key changes to Annuity Care II Continuation of Benefits rider OneAmerica® is committed to the asset-based long-term market and to offering products that bring value to both our agents and the clients we serve together. To ensure the longevity of our portfolio and the certainty of our ability to keep our promises to you and your clients, we must continually monitor market conditions, evaluate our pricing, and adjust as needed.   What’s changing As a result, we’ll be making two key changes to the Continuation of Benefit (COB) rider options on our Annuity Care II product,
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Categories: Industry News, Linked Benefit/Hybrids, and OneAmerica.

Annuity Sales Nearly Doubled—Two Years in a Row!

“THE INSURER THAT ALMOST DOUBLED ANNUITY SALES TWO YEARS IN A ROW”   The Kuvare family of companies have experienced an outstanding combined annuity growth of 97% in 2018, followed by an increase of 85% in 2019. We may have just vaulted into the top 50 annuity companies in the U.S., according to a recent article from Life Annuity Specialist. See the complete article below: It’s an exciting time to be growing with GILICO and Kuvare. Thank you for your partnership and for helping us reach these amazing achievements! Read the Latest Kuvare Article Here       #goldencareagent #gilico
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Categories: Guaranty Income, Industry News, and Linked Benefit/Hybrids.

Getting clicks and likes while generating leads and sales

Prepare for What’s Next Getting clicks and likes while generating leads and sales. The latest Care Solutions multimedia campaign portrays common long-term care situations, giving you a place to start the conversation with potential clients. A Promise for a Lifetime follows the stories of four potential client personas: Lisa, Michael, Thorpe, and Andy & Becky. By posting their captioned pictures and videos, you can open the long-term care discussion to your online community and beyond. They can be posted on your social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn) or used in presentations, lobby slides or emails to clients Be sure
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Categories: Industry News, Linked Benefit/Hybrids, and OneAmerica.

New Marketing Campaign: ​​​​​​​Prepare for What’s Next

New Campaign: Prepare for What’s Next The new multimedia marketing campaign for Care Solutions is ready for you to share! The assets in this campaign will help you share content with producers or clients, flexibly aligning with your marketing strategy.   Protection for Life Six digital assets illustrate what makes OneAmerica different in the long-term care marketplace. Start Posting A Promise for a Lifetime This set has story-based photos, emotional videos, and engaging texting videos. The assets portray common long-term care situations, helping you connect with clients on a more personal level. Build Connections   Preparing for What’s Next This
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Categories: Industry News, Linked Benefit/Hybrids, and OneAmerica.

Asset Care Campaign: Meet Thorpe

Using Thorpe’s Story Since being appointed power of attorney for his ailing father, Thorpe has faced increasingly difficult decisions about how to best provide care. His dad wants to stay in a house that is no longer safe for him and needs more care than Thorpe is able to provide by himself. This experience has made Thorpe consider the situation he might find himself in one day. Thorpe’s story can help you connect with those living in retirement while also caring for an aging parent. Asset Care can help families be there for each other without the difficulties of becoming
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Categories: Industry News, Linked Benefit/Hybrids, and OneAmerica.

Asset Care Campaign: Meet Michael

Using Michael’s Story Michael learned about long-term care the way many people in middle age do; he saw the effects his father’s lengthy illness had on his mother when she became a caregiver. His outlook for his own retirement changed as he watched his mother dip into her financial assets to pay for his dad’s illness. This story will help you connect with younger people who have aging parents. It shows the value of starting early to avoid the challenges paying for long-term care in retirement can create. For Michael, we highlight how Asset Care Recurring Premium Whole Life can
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Categories: Industry News, Linked Benefit/Hybrids, and OneAmerica.