We’re Open for Business – You Can Be Too

Our e-Application and email signature method give you the ability to complete applications for your clients, without having to meet face to face. Below you can find all the information you need to get started with an e-App today. New to using the e-App? Make sure you watch our training videos. They walk you through completing an e-App step by step. Products Available on e-App Term Life Answers and Fully-Underwritten IUL – See the Speed eTicket Flyer for details (For IUL, submit your application as if you were submitting a Term Life Answers drop-ticket application. In the Special Requests section
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Rate Adjustments Effective June 1, 2020

Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) is a core product for Mutual of Omaha, and we intend to remain a key player in this market for years to come. To fulfill this commitment, we actively monitor emerging industry trends and make any adjustments necessary that enable us to keep our promises to policyholders and remain competitive in the marketplace. For this reason, we will be implementing the following rate adjustments effective June 1, 2020: Block of Business Impacted States LTC04I and LTC06UI Massachusetts   For a complete rate history, see the state approval grid on Sales Professional Access. Policyholder Notification Process Policyholders
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Instant Decision Training

We now offer Automated Underwriting on Living Promise Whole Life (Final Expense) and Term Life Express e-Applications. This flyer walks you through the simple process of how Automated Underwriting works. Looking for more detailed training? Check out our videos for both email and in-person signature methods. Living Promise In-Person Signature Method Living Promise Email Signature Method Term Life Express In-Person Signature Method Term Life Express Email Signature Method Also, don’t forget to check out all our helpful resources available on mutualofomaha.com/simple.   Instant Decision Training   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha #life
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

IUL Express in Four Simple Steps

The IUL Express process guide takes you through the step-by-step process to sell IUL Express. This guide walks you through: How to run an IUL Express quote How to complete and submit the application packet Simplified underwriting Delivering the policy Looking for even more training on IUL Express? Check out our producer training video on MutualofOmaha.com/Simple.   IUL Express in Four Simple Steps   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha #life
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Introducing Mutual Perks for Mutual of Omaha Policyholders

Everyone loves a good deal. Whether it’s a discount at a favorite store or restaurant, savings on eyeglasses and hearing aids, a reduced rate on a home mortgage or a low-cost gym membership, the Mutual Perks program is designed to help some of your clients keep more money in their pockets. What’s Included in the Mutual Perks Program? Coupons & Discounts – Discounts at local restaurants and retailers, as well as a variety of national online merchants – many of the places where your customers already spend their dollars. Provided via AccessPerks Health & Fitness Programs – Also known as
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Categories: Accident Insurance, Critical Illness, Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, Life Insurance, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

New Authorization for Release of Individual Tax Return Transcript Form

United of Omaha has previously asked for tax returns and 3rd party verified financials when a client was applying for a life insurance policy with a face amount exceeding $5 million. Beginning March 1, 2020, a new Authorization for Release of Individual Tax Return Transcript form and an IRS 4506T-EZ form will now need to be filled out and signed by the client when applying for a United of Omaha life insurance policy when the face amount exceeds $5 million. The authorization form will automatically be included when downloading an IRS 4506T-EZ form on our Sales Professional Access producer website.
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Legacy Rate Adjustments Effective May 1, 2020

Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) is a core product for Mutual of Omaha, and we intend to remain a key player in this market for years to come. To fulfill this commitment, we actively monitor emerging industry trends and make any adjustments necessary that enable us to keep our promises to policyholders and remain competitive in the marketplace. For this reason, we will be implementing the following rate adjustments effective May 1, 2020: Block of Business Impacted States LT50, NH50, HCA, NHA & LTA Hawaii   For a complete rate history, see the state approval grid on Sales Professional Access. Policyholder
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

iGO e-App Training

If you’re looking for an even faster way to submit business, use our iGO (in Good Order) e-App featuring Automated Underwriting for Living Promise and Term Life Express. Both of these online applications ensure you have the right forms and all required fields are highlighted in yellow preventing mistakes and saving you time. Even better? We also offer Automated Underwriting on Living Promise and Term Life Express e-Apps so you will receive an instant underwriting decision while you’re with the client. Want to learn more? Watch our agent training videos below. > Living Promise Email Signature Method > Living Promise
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Help Clients Understand Their IUL Express Allocation Options

The accumulation value within an Indexed Universal Life Express (IUL Express) policy earns interest at a rate that is calculated based on the performance of a market index. If you use the IUL Express Easy Solve, the 100% participation rate crediting strategy will be selected, but your clients also have additional crediting strategy options. Your clients can choose from three crediting strategies, all based on the performance of the S&P 500, as well as a fixed account. This allows them to tailor their policy based on how they believe the index will perform. Clients can choose to allocate all of
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

A Sales Idea Using Both the LTC and Chronic Illness Riders

Our Income Advantage IUL and Life Protection Advantage IUL policies now offer a Long-Term Care Rider in addition to an Accelerated Death Benefit for Chronic Illness Rider. In some cases, it may benefit your clients to choose both riders. Although both riders can’t be added to the same policy, your clients have the option to split a larger policy into two. And, only one application is needed – you just need to include instructions on the application regarding the client’s intent to split the policy. Take a look at the sales idea flyer to see a case study that shows
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).