Affordable Disability Income Protection Options

Help your clients understand that disability income insurance is affordable coverage that helps replace the loss of an income. Your clients may face significant changes when the household’s primary wage earner is sick or injured and unable to work. There are bills to pay and other financial obligations to meet. Without the income they rely on, how can the family make ends meet? Use the It’s More Affordable Than You Think Mutual Income Solutions sales idea to help you start the income protection conversation with clients.   Affordable Disability Income Protection Options   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha #disability
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Sales Idea: Enhance Clients’ Existing Disability Coverage

Workers who are fortunate to have a competitive benefits package from their employers might not know what kind of coverage they have. Do your clients know if disability income insurance is part of their plan at work? Or if they have disability income insurance, do they understand their group coverage? Help your clients understand the disability income insurance benefits they receive from their employers, and if necessary, recommend additional coverage to supplement their employee benefits. View this short video to learn more about the Enhance Clients’ Existing Disability Coverage Sales Idea.   Sales Idea: Enhance Clients’ Existing Disability Coverage  
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

The Need for Disability Income Insurance

Help Your Clients Protect Their Ability to Earn an Income 43% of all current 40 year-olds will have a disability event lasting 90 days or more by the time they’re 65*. Disability Income Insurance Basics How Does Disability Income Insurance Work? If you’re client becomes sick or injured and can’t work, they’ll receive a monthly benefit – think of it as a monthly paycheck – that helps replace a portion of their lost income. How Much Income Can Disability Income Insurance Replace? Disability insurance can replace 50 – 70% of a client’s income if they’re sick or injured and are
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Our DI is Better Than Ever for Higher Earning Clients

Disability income insurance is protection put in place prior to a disabling accident or illness that helps clients cover their income if they’re unable to work. Mutual of Omaha’s Mutual Income Solutions product is perfectly positioned to go to work for your most affluent clients. This product offers: A maximum monthly benefit amount of $20,000 The addition of a non-cancelable policy type Optional benefits like Return of Premium and Cash Value Benefit Put DI to Work To help you target and identify more affluent clients, we’re launching a campaign designed to highlight three specific occupations that are a perfect fit
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Get to Know the Mutual Income Solutions Optional Benefits

Mutual of Omaha’s Mutual Income Solutions product is built to fit the needs of all your clients. Through the product’s option benefits available, you can customize the product to build a solution as unique as your client. Review the optional benefits in this two-part sales training video series: Mutual Income Solutions Optional Riders – Part 1: Mutual Income Solutions Optional Riders – Part 2:   More information can be found on   Get to Know the Mutual Income Solutions Optional Benefits   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha #disability
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Mutual Income Solutions: Premium Discounts Available

Take advantage of the premium discounts available to your prospects The premium discounts below can be used in combination with each other, up to a maximum of 30%: Association Group — 15% Self-Employed — 15% Common Employer — 15% Multi-Policy — 10% Two-Person Household — 10% To learn more, download our Mutual Income Solutions Product Guide and view the “Premium Discounts” section on page 22.   Mutual Income Solutions: Premium Discounts Available   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha #disability
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

The Return of Premium Benefit: Mutual Income Solutions

Overcome Objections with the Return of Premium Rider When having the income protection conversation with clients, you may hear concerns about ‘needing to use’ a disability income insurance product. Luckily, Mutual of Omaha’s Mutual Income Solutions product provides clients with a Return of Premium benefit to help ease the fears clients may have about never using the product. Watch this short overview video to learn more about our ROP benefit:   Optional Return of Premium Rider   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha #disability
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Creating a DI Cross-Sell with Life Insurance

As we move into September and Life Insurance Awareness Month, make sure you’re aware of opportunities to meet all your client’s needs. September is an excellent time to have the life insurance conversation with clients and prospects, but you may be able to meet more of your client’s needs by asking about their solution for income protection in the case they become sick or injured and are unable to work. Use the Creating a Cross-sell with Life Insurance Sales Idea flyer to help you determine how to best position disability income insurance to your life clients and prospects during Life
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

The Importance of DI for Self-Employed Clients

Self-employed individuals want to forge their own path. They have control over their schedule and who they want to work with. What they can’t control is when they might become sick or injured and are unable to work, denying them of their livelihood. Help self-employed clients understand how important disability income insurance is to their financial portfolio – after all their income is likely their most important asset. Use our Protecting Self-Employed Individuals Sales Idea to help you position Mutual Income Solutions to these clients. View the Sales Idea: Protecting Self-Employed Individuals.   The Importance of DI for Self-Employed Clients
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Get to Know Mutual Income Solutions Underwriting

Mutual Income Solutions℠ Underwriting Our goal is to provide the best possible offer of disability income insurance to help protect your client’s income. Each case is carefully evaluated based on three underwriting criteria: Occupation Depending on your client’s job duties, we’ll designate an occupational risk class. Health A health interview and medical tests may be required depending on the benefits applied for. Income Financial underwriting determines your client’s income in order to set the policy’s maximum monthly benefit. Learn more about Mutual Income Solutions Underwriting in this short video: You can also reach the Mutual Income Solutions Underwriting team for
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Categories: Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).