Upcoming Fixed Account Rate Changes for Life Products

Fixed Account Rate Changes Effective January 1, 2023, we are increasing the fixed crediting rates as follows: Income Advantage IUL fixed account rate will increase 0.50% from 3.00% to 3.50% Life Protection Advantage IUL fixed account rate will increase 0.50% from 2.75% to 3.25% IUL Express fixed account rate will increase 0.50% from 2.75% to 3.25% These rates change will apply to newly issued policies, as well as to any new premiums received on in force policies. Your WinFlex illustration software will automatically update to reflect the new fixed account rate on January 1st. There will be no changes to
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Promote Living Promise in Your Own Way

Our Living Promise consumer prospecting postcard is customizable – you select the ages, face amounts and the photo to match the target market you are trying to reach. Contact sales.support@mutualofomaha.com to place an order today!   Promote Living Promise in Your Own Way   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Perfect your Final Expense sales approach

3 ways to start the life insurance conversation Perfect your Financial Expense sales approach Starting the life insurance conversation isn’t always easy. Especially if a client is on the fence about signing up for a policy, you may not be sure how to approach the situation. But it often only takes a few steps to get your client to warm up. Review the 3 steps     #goldencareagent #gwic #greatwestern #finalexpense
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Categories: Great Western, Industry News, and Life Insurance.

Verify mailing addresses with USPS

Verify mailing addresses with USPS When you’re entering your clients’ information into MyEnrollerSM 4.0, you can verify that you’ve selected the correct address by using the United States Postal Service (USPS) ZIP Code tool. Look up an address     Reach new clients using social media graphics If you want to expand your business into the world of social media but aren’t sure how to get started, Great Western Insurance Company (GWIC®) has a collection of informative and catchy Final Expense insurance graphics you can easily download and post to your professional account. Follow the directions on how to use
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Categories: Great Western, Industry News, and Life Insurance.

Ease Your Client’s Worries with Living Promise

Living Promise Whole Life Insurance is designed to help provide affordable protection that pays benefits directly to the person you choose to take care of your outstanding medical bills, unexpected expenses or debt that you may leave behind. Leaving you with nothing to worry about when you’re gone. Product Features Competitive premiums Simplified underwriting — no medical exam, coverage is based on answers to a few simple health questions Two coverage choices: Level Benefit Plan Policy issue ages: 45 – 85 Benefit amounts: $2,000 – $40,000 (in WA, $5,000 – $40,000) Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Nursing Home
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Utilize MyEnroller 4.0 for quick and easy business

Utilize MyEnrollerSM 4.0 for quick and easy business With Great Western Insurance Company’s (GWIC®) online-only MyEnroller 4.0, you can offer your clients three plans on one application with access to instant-decisioning underwriting. MyEnroller 4.0 also provides signature options — including voice authorization signature for telephonic sales — so you can write GWIC’s plans easily and quickly. GWIC’s plans include: The Great Assurance® plan is an immediate benefit, first-day coverage plan for those in good health. It has two riders — an Accelerated Death benefit (included at no extra cost) and an Accidental Death benefit (optional). The Graded Benefit plan is
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Categories: Great Western, Industry News, and Life Insurance.

Discover how we take life insurance to the next level

Discover how we take life insurance to the next level Great Western Insurance Company (GWIC®) is taking life insurance to the next level with three Final Expense life insurance plans on one application with access to instant-decisioning underwriting. To learn what else is new with GWIC’s Final Expense portfolio, check out the Final Expense 101 video. You can also find it by going to the Training page of the agent portal. View all agent resources   #goldencareagent #gwic #greatwestern #finalexpense
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Categories: Great Western, Industry News, and Life Insurance.

Living Promise: Ease the Financial Burden

Living Promise Whole Life Insurance can help protect your clients’ families from the strain of final expenses. So help your clients plan now so they can relax and focus on what matters most. To learn more about our final expense product check out our Living Promise Whole Life Client Brochure.   Living Promise: Ease the Financial Burden   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

GTL: Important Social Security Drafting Information

Important Reminder for Social Security Drafting
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Categories: Guarantee Trust Life, Hospital Indemnity Plan, Industry News, and Life Insurance.

Use GWIC’s Final Expense and Life Insurance Awareness Month to start the conversation

Now is a great time to talk to your clients about the importance of Final Expense insurance From helping cover final expenses to creating financial stability for families, a life insurance policy provides peace of mind for the future. And Great Western Insurance Company’s (GWIC®) Final Expense life insurance products make it easier to promote life insurance during September’s Life Insurance Awareness Month and beyond. With 3 products on 1 application and access to instant-decisioning underwriting, GWIC is a one-stop shop for all your clients’ needs. Our three products include: The Great Assurance® plan is an immediate benefit, first-day coverage
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Categories: Great Western, Industry News, and Life Insurance.