“Drug crisis is pushing up death rates for almost all groups of Americans”

“Drug crisis is pushing up death rates for almost all groups of Americans,” by Joel Achenbach and Dan Keating, Washington Post “The opioid epidemic that has ravaged life expectancy among economically stressed white Americans is taking a rising toll among blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans, driving up the overall rate of death among Americans in the prime of their lives.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): Sad irony: the opioid crisis counteracts the LTC crisis. Drug crisis is pushing up death rates for almost all groups of Americans #goldencareagent #opioid
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

GoldenCare Special Presentation!

Join Us For A Special Presentation On The LifeStyle Solutions (LSS) & LifeStyle Solutions Select (LSS-Select), two innovative long-term care insurance plans through United Security Assurance. Wednesday, June 14, 2017 2:00 PM  to  3:00 PM Central Time Click Here To Register 4 Underwriting Classes, better issue rates Issue Ages up to 85 years old Unisex Premium Rates An Impaired Risk plan for those with challenging health conditions (i.e. MS, Parkinson’s Disease, or Diabetes with use of up to 75 units of insulin per day A built-in Wellness Service Program, designed in collaboration with John Hopkins Geriatrics, can be utilized prior
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Categories: GoldenCare News and Long-Term Care.

“More workers are staying on the job past 65”

“More workers are staying on the job past 65,” by Katie Johnston, Boston Globe “As people live longer and remain healthier, many of them are staying in the workforce far beyond traditional retirement age. Nearly 20 percent of Americans 65 and older are either working or looking for work — the highest rate since 1962, according to the latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And as the baby boom generation ages, the share of these older workers in the labor force is expected to increase faster than for any other age group.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses,
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Your 2017 Guide to Long-Term Care and Long-Term Care Insurance”

“Your 2017 Guide to Long-Term Care and Long-Term Care Insurance,” by Todd Campbell, Motley Fool “Given the costs associated with long-term care, and the likelihood of having to cover long-term care costs out-of-pocket, planning ahead for these expenses is critical. One option that may be available is long-term care insurance.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): OK guide except for this: “It may be smart to visit with an elder law attorney, too. They can help you with retirement and long-term care planning strategies that may help protect your savings and home, or offer insight
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

Missouri Funds Policy

Missouri law states that insurance companies may not hold premium funds for longer than 60 days without issuing the policy. Please be advised that Transamerica may send these funds back to the applicant in this circumstance. Missouri Funds Policy #goldencareagent #transamerica
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

NGL: New Electronic App Kits Available

Wonderful news! Your application kits are now available bundled in an all-inclusive, easy-to-use electronic package! With the new electronic application kits, you will be able to: Easily view and fill out application forms with clients on your computer, laptop or other device; Collect e-Signatures on these forms, for you and clients; and, then You are able to print all the completed forms with one click instead of having to download and print each form separately! * If you choose to email an application kit to a client, please remember: For security reasons, applications which have been completed and contain personal
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and National Guardian Life.

“Why Not Try ‘Medicare for All’? Glad You Asked,” by Megan McArdle, Bloomberg

“Because costs will spiral out of control. Because hospital care will suffer. Because the stakes are too high for a mass experiment.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): We see “Medicare for All” proposals ad nauseum, but for once here’s an article that explains why that’s such an awful idea. Why Not Try ‘Medicare for All’? Glad You Asked #goldencareagent
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

Our Strength is Showing

In today’s fast changing world, consumers want more information than ever about the companies they choose to do business with. They want to know how strong a company is and whether it has the longevity and stability to be there down the road. For more than a century, Mutual of Omaha has kept our promise to be here to pay our customers’ claims. To help your agents assure potential customers their decision to purchase a Mutual of Omaha policy is sound, we’ve updated our popular Strong, Stable, Secure brochure for 2017. Request your copies today. View the Brochure   #goldencareagent
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Categories: Critical Illness, Disability Income Insurance, Industry News, Life Insurance, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

“Why is this modest Medicaid reform so controversial?,” by Chris Pope, STAT

“The federal government currently allocates Medicaid money to states according to how much they are themselves able to spend on the program. The AHCA’s proposed caps would limit the amount by which each state is able to automatically claim increases in funding per Medicaid enrollee from federal taxpayers in any particular year. Taken in context, these proposed caps are extraordinarily modest. Far from threatening to end Medicaid as we know it,” the per-capita caps would do little to alter the program’s existing commitments, and serve mainly to increase the scrutiny applied to expansions of benefits that states may make in
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Midlife Crisis? How About a Late-Life Crisis,” by Marc Agronin, Wall Street Journal

“Enter the late-life crisis as a trend I am seeing increasingly in my geriatric psychiatry practice, in which individuals in their 70s through 90s are wrestling with existential questions that eluded their psyches during middle-aged years of active work, love and play. Now, facing a true twilight of illness, disability and loss, all hell can sometimes break loose in these older lives.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): So, do not go gentle into that good night . . . without LTCI. Midlife Crisis? How About a Late-Life Crisis Reminder: The Wall Street Journal
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.