Exciting Enhancement to Initial Premium Drafts

We are excited to announce a major enhancement to our payment system. Effective immediately, on all Life products, your clients’ initial premium payments will draft their bank accounts on the day they request it – not a few days later. The best part? There’s nothing for you to do. If your client picks the second Tuesday of each month – their payment will come out on the second Tuesday of each month. No new forms or applications for you to worry about. Also, don’t forget to let your clients know they have options when selecting the date their payment comes
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Life Insurance Prescription Rule Update

We have discovered stand-alone medications are being included in the combination medication rules with our vendors. This mainly affects high blood pressure medications, such as Losartan and Lisinopril, as well as around the use of diuretics such as Furosemide. We have identified changes needed and are in the process of adjusting our prescription rules with our vendors. We expect to have these corrections implemented by the end of April. Until then, we will review cases you do not feel should have been included in this medication change. If you have a case you feel needs further review, please contact your
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Three Additional Call Centers Implement the New Amazon Connect Phone System

Beginning Wednesday, May 1, 2019, the following three call centers will transition to the new Amazon Connect phone system technology: Sales Support Producer Services Distribution Compensation These call centers will continue to use the same menus that exist today; therefore, we do not anticipate any changes to the level of service you will receive. We will closely monitor performance post-deployment and will be ready to make adjustments, if needed.   What to Expect The only change you should expect is a change to the voice you will hear when you call in. You will still follow the same steps you
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Categories: Critical Illness, Dental, Disability Income Insurance, Life Insurance, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

How Long Will Your Clients’ Retirements Last?

Outliving assets is a real threat as people are living longer. According to data compiled by the Society of Actuaries, a man reaching age 65 today has a 50% chance of living until age 86. A woman turning age 65 today, has a 50% chance of living until the age of 88. And those are just for those in average health. About one out of every four 65-year-olds today will live past age 90, and one out of 10 will live past age 95. Not knowing exactly how long they will live can make planning tricky for your clients. How
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Automated Underwriting Updates

Automated Underwriting for Living Promise e-Applications offers many great features, but one you might not think about is our ability to refer cases. We would always like to provide an instant decision at the time you are with the client. Having the ability to refer a case to our underwriting team for further review allows us more flexibility to approve cases – and 77% of our referred cases are approved and issued after review. One of the reasons a case could be referred for further review would be our inability to verify your client’s identity. During the automated underwriting process,
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Important IOLI and STOLI Reminders

United of Omaha Life Insurance Company Position Statement on Insurable Interest April 2019 United of Omaha Life Insurance Company and its affiliates’ (together, “United of Omaha”) are committed to providing financial security to individuals, families and businesses through affordable insurance and financial products. We continually strive to develop life insurance and annuity products that meet our customers’ needs and provide good value at a competitive price. A fundamental principle in providing individual life insurance coverage is the existence of an insurable interest by the proposed owner in the life of the insured. Issuing life insurance coverage to persons who do
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Life Insurance Prescription Rule Update

We have discovered medication rules for high blood pressure medications are inadvertently including single medication use, with rules for combination medication use. This includes medications such as Losartan, Lisinopril, and Furosemide, which is a diuretic. The changes needed have been identified, and we are in the process of adjusting our prescription rules with our vendors. We expect to have these corrections implemented by the end of April. We are open to appeals on cases and will review the prescription history if you feel a case was incorrectly decisioned based on their medication use. Appeals can be submitted by contacting your
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Help Younger Clients Plan Ahead with the LTC Rider

Statistics show that almost 70 percent of people over 65 will require chronic care later in life. Long-term care services can be expensive – and the costs are only expected to keep rising. So, why haven’t your clients purchased long-term care insurance yet? Some may not realize they need it. In fact, most don’t. That is, until they’ve experienced a parent or grandparent depleting their assets to pay for long-term care services. Perhaps that parent or grandparent even had to rely on family members to provide the care they couldn’t afford. Others have a hard time making the purchase because
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Amazon Connect Telephone System Update

We appreciate the positive feedback we have received on the new Producer call flow that was introduced in late January. We are pleased to report that our Average Speed of Answer (ASA) has stabilized. In March, our ASA was 41 seconds. As a reminder, when calling customer service, simply answer the first question with “Producer” and then provide the product type you are calling on. Once you do this, you will be immediately transferred to the appropriate customer service team. Customer Call Flows We are continuing to work towards determining the best design for our customer call flows. The best
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Categories: Critical Illness, Dental, Disability Income Insurance, Life Insurance, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

New Whole Life Policy for Adults, from Gerber Life Insurance

NEW WHOLE LIFE INSURANCE FOR ADULTS, 18 TO 70 YEARS OLD, FROM GERBER LIFE   At Gerber Life Insurance Company, we make it easy for you to grow your business by helping your clients obtain life insurance protection that will last a lifetime. Gerber Life’s new Whole Life Insurance Plan provides permanent life insurance coverage with these added benefits: Guaranteed premiums, cash value and death benefits1 An easy application process for your clients Quick underwriting decisions2 Gerber Life Whole Life Insurance Competitively priced whole life insurance that enables clients to provide income for loved ones Clients can apply for $50,000
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Categories: Gerber Life, Industry News, and Life Insurance.