How Long Will Your Clients’ Retirements Last?

Outliving assets is a real threat as people are living longer. According to data compiled by the Society of Actuaries, a man reaching age 65 today has a 50% chance of living until age 86. A woman turning age 65 today, has a 50% chance of living until the age of 88. And those are just for those in average health. About one out of every four 65-year-olds today will live past age 90, and one out of 10 will live past age 95. Not knowing exactly how long they will live can make planning tricky for your clients.

How an IUL Policy Can Help

With an IUL policy, if your client lives longer than anticipated, he or she can use the cash value to help supplement retirement income. Additionally, if the insured dies first, the spouse can use the death benefit for income.

Use our Longevity — The Great Unknown brochure to help explain longevity risk to your client and help them understand how a properly funded Income Advantage IUL policy can help supplement their other sources of retirement income.

How Long Will Your Clients’ Retirements Last?
