“Senior living might want to take a new look at an old friend”

“Senior living might want to take a new look at an old friend,” by John O’Connor, McKnight’s Senior Living “Odd as it now seems, there was a time when private insurance was allowed to sit with the grownups. … Turns out the sellers grossly underestimated how expensive and likely senior living services would turn out to be. Most of the dozens of firms that once sold private long-term care coverage culled it from their portfolio as quickly and quietly as possible. … But a rebound of sorts appears to be underway. A growing number of firms are starting to sell
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“New Stand-Alone LTCI Player Continues to Move Forward”

“New Stand-Alone LTCI Player Continues to Move Forward,” by Allison Bell, ThinkAdvisor  “The team behind a new stand-alone long-term care insurance (LTCI) policy, the EssentialLTC policy, is continuing to expand its LTCI effort. National Guardian Life Insurance Company (NGL) and LifeCare Assurance Company report that they have achieved Long Term Care Partnership program status in seven more states. The EssentialLTC team can now offer policyholders access to state LTC Partnership programs in a total of 13 states, the companies say.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): Bucking the trend. New Stand-Alone LTCI Player Continues
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“How to Talk About Long-Term Care Planning Now”

“How to Talk About Long-Term Care Planning Now,” by Margie Barrie, ThinkAdvisor “Margie Barrie, a veteran long-term care insurance (LTCI) agent, marketer and educator, has been writing articles about long-term care (LTC) planning and related issues for decades. Here she looks at the nuts and bolts of LTC planning communication. Q. I want to improve my client presentation by adding some new key phrases. What can you suggest? A. Here’s the lingo I heard recently, while attending a workshop hosted by OneAmerica. During the two days there, I compiled a list of phrases that I plan to use myself. Plus, I
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“New screening tool could help diagnose early cognitive decline in dementia from home”

“New screening tool could help diagnose early cognitive decline in dementia from home,” Science Daily “An international team of scientists have developed a new way to screen for age-related cognitive decline at home using a test which asks people to detect sounds and flashes on their laptop or phone.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): Early diagnosis is more critical than ever as behavioral modifications to reduce or reverse cognitive decline become more seriously considered. New screening tool could help diagnose early cognitive decline in dementia from home #dementia #goldencareagent
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“Help clients come to grips with long-term care”

“Help clients come to grips with long-term care,” by Charles Paikert, Financial Planning “Starting a conversation about planning for illness and decline in old age is difficult with any client. Those who fall into the high-net-worth category are no exception. Nearly 60% of financial advisors working with clients with $1 million or more in investable assets say fewer than a quarter of their clients have a long-term care plan, according to a new Key Private Bank study. So how can advisors persuade clients to start thinking about putting a plan in place? Ask them if they’ve had family experience with
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“The Low-Down on the Medicaid Spend-Down”

“The Low-Down on the Medicaid Spend-Down,” by Kara Gansmann, Wilmington Biz Insights Quote: “During a Medicaid spend-down, individuals and couples may consider spending money on these items: Updating the home. … A new vehicle. Use caution if purchasing a new luxury vehicle, however. Pre-paid irrevocable funeral plans. … Household goods or personal effects for either spouse. … Debt repayment. The key here is to make sure that the debts are repaid only after the Medicaid snapshot date has been established.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): This paid-content article in a local newspaper is typical
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

Quick Tip: Quoting with MutualCare® Solutions Software

Scenario: In discussing Long-Term Care insurance with a single female client, she wants the freedom to choose where she receives care, but cost is a concern. She is on a fixed income and only has a limited budget with which to pay premiums. How can you quickly outline some plan options that fit within her budget? Did You Know: The MutualCare® Solutions software has a “Set Target Premium” option? First enter basic information (state, gender, age, premium mode), select the desired inflation and elimination period, then click the green “Set Target Premium” button at the bottom. When the Target Premium
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Exciting News from United Security Assurance

A.M. Best Reinstates USA’s Rating Exciting news! United Security Assurance Company of Pennsylvania (USA) is once again an A.M. Best rated company. The rating is “C-” however, our outlook was upgraded from “negative” to its current rating of “stable.” The ratings team has advised USA that the rating can improve over time if our parent company, CMS Financial, improves its financial position by reducing leverage and if USA can demonstrate a sustainable trend of positive operating income and increasing risk-based capital. Read entire press release.   Exciting News from United Security Assurance   #goldencareagent #unitedsecurity
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

Transamerica Notable News (June 2018)

  Notable News   Transamerica Holiday Closure for Independence Day The Transamerica Administrative Office will be closing at 2pm, local time on July 3rd and will be closed July 4th to observe Independence Day. Change to Trial Applications Review Effective July 1st, 2018, Transamerica will no longer review Trial Applications. We will continue to provide risk assessments through the Quick Quoting tools you use today. If you have any questions, please contact Transamerica’s Sales Desk at 866-545-9058.   #goldencareagent #transamerica
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Categories: Industry News, Life Insurance, Long-Term Care, and Medicare Supp./Adv..

ALL NEW! Sales Strategy Series Webinar Topic: StrateCision Demo

New!! Sales Tools – StrateCision Demo Join us for a live demonstration and walk-through of StrateCision, our LTCi value-added resource that can help increase your overall sales all year long! •  StrateCision — LTCi Quote & Comparison Tool This valuable tool allows you to quote and compare plans with all of the major LTCi companies. Plus, learn how you can use the WebAdvisor  section of the tool to compare features and gain an edge on the competition! Register For The Live StrateCision Training Thurs, June 28, 2018 2:00 PM  to  2:30 PM CDT Click here to add carriers & products
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Categories: GoldenCare News and Industry News.