“SNF occupancy down despite ‘significant’ flu season and Medicaid admissions up, report shows,” by Emily Mongan, McKnight’s LTC News

“Skilled nursing occupancy rates hit their lowest level on record in the fourth quarter of 2016, according to a report released Wednesday. The National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care’s Skilled Nursing Data Report shows the national occupancy rate fell from 82.6% to 81.8%, the lowest level since the organization began collecting data in 2011. Occupancy rates also experienced their largest ever year-over-year drop during the fourth quarter. . . . Medicaid remained the top source of patient volume in the fourth quarter of 2016, and continued to cover a growing percentage of total patient days, the report found.
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Subject: Profile of Older Americans: 2016,” Administration for Community Living

“The annual summary of the latest statistics on the older population, A Profile of Older Americans: 2016, is now available. This profile covers 15 topical areas including population, income and poverty, living arrangements, education, health, and caregiving. A description of the highlights of this document is below and the full document is attached. The profile has proven to be a very useful statistical summary in a user friendly format. It is a web based publication and is posted on the following website: https://aoa.acl.gov/Aging_Statistics/Profile/index.aspx” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): This is one of the
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Premium Rate Changes

Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company “TPLIC” will be implementing new Medicare Supplement insurance premium rate changes for new sales and inforce policies. The policies that are impacted were originally underwritten by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company. The following are the states that will be impacted. State Plan Adjusted Percentage Upload Date New Rate Effective Date Kansas A, F G N 9% increase 0% unchanged 20% decrease 3/22/2017 5/1/2017 Missouri A, F, N G 3.9% increase 0% unchanged 3/22/2017 5/1/2017 New Jersey A, C, F G N 6% increase 0% unchanged 20% decrease 3/22/2017 5/1/2017 Pennsylvania A, B, G F N
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Categories: Medicare Supp./Adv..

Sentinel Underwriting Tip

MIB and Underwriting Tip What is MIB? MIB is a membership organization that provides underwriting information and services to life and health insurers. The health information that MIB provides is a dissemination of information provided from its members to its members. It is a way for companies to communicate industry wide to reduce fraud which contributes to the equitable pricing of insurance products. What MIB is not? MIB is not a clearing house of health data from doctor offices. MIB does not share whether an application was declined. Underwriting with MIB Underwriters use MIB data for informational purposes only. Underwriters
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Categories: Life Insurance and Medicare Supp./Adv..

We Are Listening!

Change is coming! We are revamping our website to better suit the needs of our agents and clients and we want to hear from you! Please click the link below and take a few minutes to answer our eight question survey. Let us know how we can improve our website to exceed your expectations. Sentinel Website Survey #goldencareagent #Sentinel
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Categories: Industry News.

LTCi Success Tips: Get Your Business Issued Quickly

Ten Underwriting Tips Did you know there are things you can do to ensure your LTCi cases are issued quickly? Some are no brainers… like using the correct application. Others may take a little more effort… like including a cover letter. Learn what you can do to help the underwriting process go smoothly. Download the Flyer. #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Long-Term Care and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News | Omaha Announces Expanded Team of Case Managers

More LTCi Case Managers = Better Handling Of Your Submitted Cases Every LTCi case submitted to Mutual of Omaha is assigned to a case manager. This person is charged with gathering all material necessary for an underwriter to make a decision, and is responsible for making sure the application is in good order. They monitor the retrieval of medical records and the completion of the health interview. They are your resource for cases that are in underwriting review. The case managers who you will be interacting with are: Derek Goodwin Phone: 402-351-7791 Derek.Goodwin@MutualofOmaha.com Kris McPeake Phone: 402-351-7813 Kris.McPeake@MutualofOmaha.com Lisa Wheeler
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

GoldenCare Newsletter | March 13, 2017

In this GoldenCare Newsletter Edition From GoldenCare: Join us for in-depth product training on the hottest products on the market. Click here to register. New product!   GTL’s new Short-Term Home Health Care Insurance!   This product is already approved in several states and coming to more soon.   Please see the Newsletter for current state availability and product details. Be sure to register for an intro here. Don’t miss this Edition’s featured Guest Article is “Technology Comes of Age in the LTC World,” by Patrick Connole, Provider. From Mutual of Omaha: Effective March 1, 2017 Mutual of Omaha will be implementing a
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Guarantee Trust Life, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

In-Force Rate Action Announcement: Virginia (Privileged Choice® and Classic Select®)

As part of the strategy for our long-term care insurance business, we continue pursuing initiatives to improve the risk and profitability profile of our business, including premium increases on our in-force policies, as needed. In September 2013, we announced our intention to seek premium rate increases on certain Privileged Choice® and Classic Select® policies sold between 2003 and 2012. Virginia has now allowed our requested increase, and the details of the implementation of this premium change can be found within the announcement. This rate increase also applies to AARP policies. Servicing agents will receive a list of their impacted policyholders
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Categories: Genworth and Long-Term Care.

“The LTC industry should be ashamed,” by Buffy Howard, McKnight’s LTC News

“Long-term care company: How did you not commit to building up your talent? To keeping them plush and pliable so they are bursting with that initial joy and desire to help others. Do you remember how joyful and young and vibrant they looked that day you interviewed prospects? It was obvious they were the pick of the litter. You thought to yourself: ‘I’m going to get tons of mileage out of this one.’ Yeah. You sure as hell did.  This nurse isn’t the only one. There are so many of us leaving long term care. We are LEAVING the industry.”
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.