GoldenCare Newsletter | October 22, 2018

In this GoldenCare Newsletter Edition From GoldenCare: Keep your eye out for a special upcoming Omaha LTCi Promo! Update Your Contracts Look for an upcoming LTC CEO Office, Home and Internet Selling Tools Software update, coming in the next couple weeks with all the latest tools! Making a good decision on whether or not to own Long Term Care insurance depends upon receiving factual information on the subject. LTCCEO was developed to offer our clients the knowledge they need to make wise decisions. Find out how to get your copy here. Diversify your portfolio for greater sales success! Join our Special
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Categories: Genworth, GoldenCare News, Guarantee Trust Life, Industry News, Long-Term Care, Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates), and National Guardian Life.

SPECIAL EVENT: Kicking off Long-Term Care Awareness Month!

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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

“There’s No Magic Number for Self-Funding Long-Term Care”

“There’s No Magic Number for Self-Funding Long-Term Care,” by Christine Benz, Morningstar “I find that investors seek out a specific asset threshold to help determine whether they could self-fund long-term care costs rather than buying long-term care insurance. In my early days of focusing on retirement planning, $1.5 million was often asserted to be a “safe” asset threshold for paying long-term care costs out of pocket. More recently–no doubt in light of the fact that we’ve seen long-term care costs trend up more rapidly than the general inflation rate–that figure has crept up to $2.5 million.” LTC Comment (from Stephen
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“Common Herpes Virus Could Cause 50 Percent of Alzheimer’s Disease Cases, Expert Says”

“Common Herpes Virus Could Cause 50 Percent of Alzheimer’s Disease Cases, Expert Says,” by Kashmira Gander, Newsweek “The herpes virus, which triggers cold sores, could be the cause of at least half of the cases of Alzheimer’s disease, a leading expert concluded after reviewing existing data on the neurodegenerative condition. Owing to the prevalence of herpes, as well as the alarming rates at which Alzheimer’s is being diagnosed (with the number of cases expected to hit 82 million in 2030, and 152 million in 2050) the association between the two is ripe for investigation.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President,
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“Critical Illness Market Keeps Growing: Gen Re”

“Critical Illness Market Keeps Growing: Gen Re,” by Allison Bell, ThinkAdvisor “U.S. sales of critical illness insurance climbed 37% in 2017, to $652 million, according to new insurer survey results from Gen Re. The Stamford, Connecticut-based reinsurer found that in-force premium revenue increased 45%, to $1.6 billion. Sales of coverage through group plans, and through individual policies purchased at the worksite rose 21%, to $554 million. Sales of individual critical illness insurance policies grew much more rapidly: to about $98 million in 2017, from $19 million in 2016.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“This retirement expense has hit $100,000 annually — and it’s continuing to rise”

“This retirement expense has hit $100,000 annually — and it’s continuing to rise,” by Darla Mercado, CNBC “This retirement living expense has nowhere to go but up. The annual cost of a private room in a nursing home has cracked the six-figure mark, according to Genworth Financial. The national annual median cost of a private room in a nursing home is $100,375, the insurer found in its 2018 Cost of Care study. Overall, the rising cost of care has outpaced inflation. The Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers was 2.1 percent for the first half of 2018. The annual
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

LTC Inflation Protection Buy-Up Option

Your clients want to know the LTCi policy they purchase today will be enough to help pay for services they may need in the future. The Mutual Care Custom Solution policy includes an inflation protection buy-up option that allows clients to increase their inflation protection percentage once a year. This important feature also gives them the option to decrease their inflation percentage at any time. And any gains previously applied to the policy are theirs to keep. Offering a benefit with flexibility to meet your clients changing needs could be the competitive advantage you need to increase sales. For more
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Another Advantage of Traditional LTCi

We all know a traditional MutualCare Solutions policy can help with long-term care expenses. But, did you know it can give your clients tax advantages too? Current tax laws allow your clients to deduct either the actual or eligible premium paid for a tax-qualified LTCi policy. The eligible premium is determined by the Consumer Price Index and the age of the policyholder. And, since MutualCare Solutions policies are tax-qualified, benefits paid are intended to be tax-free as long as they do not exceed the greater of: Qualified LTC daily expenses The per-day limitation which is set each year by the
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

EssentialLTC Partnership Exchange Mailings in 7 States

With the recent Partnership policy approval in select states, we are happy to announce that the exchange of eligible National Guardian Life (NGL) EssentialLTC policies is scheduled to occur in the following seven states: Iowa New Hampshire Rhode Island Wisconsin Kansas Oklahoma Texas Exchanges of eligible EssentialLTC policies in these states is scheduled to begin October 17, 2018.   Eligibility for Automatic Exchange to a Partnership Policy To be considered as eligible for an automatic exchange to a Partnership policy, the inforce EssentialLTC Long Term Care insurance policy would need to meet all of the following LTC Partnership eligibility requirements.
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and National Guardian Life.

NGL: LTCi for Almost Any Business

Employer Group Rate Class Replaces Employer Group Premium Discount in 38 states (Effective November 30, 2018) Effective November 30, 2018, the Employer Group rate class, which is priced on a unisex basis, will be replacing the Employer Group premium discount in the following states: Alabama Iowa Michigan New Mexico South Carolina West Virginia Alaska Kansas Minnesota North Carolina Tennessee Wisconsin Arkansas Kentucky Mississippi Ohio Texas Wyoming Colorado Louisiana Missouri Oklahoma Utah Georgia Maine Nebraska Oregon Vermont Idaho Maryland Nevada Pennsylvania Virginia Illinois Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Washington The Employer Group rate class is already available in New Jersey. The
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and National Guardian Life.