UPDATE: EssentialLTC New Partnership State Release – Delaware

National Guardian Life Insurance Company (NGL) is pleased to announce that an additional state has approved their new long-term care insurance plan, EssentialLTC! As of May 30th, 2017, EssentialLTC will become available for sales in the state of Delaware! This is also the newest state to have approved Partnership status. Watch for additional announcements as more states approve the new EssentialLTC product, and begin approving Partnership status. #goldencareagent #ngl >   Related: EssentialLTC Product Approved In Delaware
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and National Guardian Life.

“Rich Retirees Are Hoarding Cash Out of Fear,” by Ben Steverman, ThinkAdvisor

“There’s a time in everyone’s life to save. There’s also a time when you’re supposed to spend. That time is commonly known as retirement. Millions of Americans aren’t doing that, however, which has put the U.S. in a perverse situation. Younger generations aren’t saving enough as their income slips further behind previous generations. Older Americans meanwhile sit atop unprecedented piles of assets built through stock market and real estate booms. (Related: Cash Is the Riskiest Investment for Retirees) Yet these retirees, or at least the affluent ones, aren’t spending it. It turns out they’re afraid of the unknown.” LTC Comment
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Nebraska’s new Medicaid managed care system blamed for problems with billing and getting approval for care,” by Martha Stoddard, World-Herald Bureau

“Nebraska’s new system for administering the bulk of its Medicaid program has gotten off to a rocky start. Nearly five months after its launch, the system has left behavioral health and home health providers fuming over unpaid claims and frustrated about getting care authorized for patients. Unpaid Medicaid claims topped $300,000 for one agency, prompting it to take out a line of credit for the first time in its 44 years. Providers also are worrying about how long they can afford to keep seeing Medicaid patients.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): Read this
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Medicaid can collect SNF room-and-board costs, state high court rules,” by Emily Mongan

“Nebraska’s Medicaid program can claim reimbursement from beneficiaries for skilled nursing room-and-board costs, the state’s high court ruled on Friday.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): Chalk up a win for the good guys. Why should heirs profit from shunting LTC liability onto taxpayers? Medicaid can collect SNF room-and-board costs, state high court rules #goldencareagent #medicaid #nebraska
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“New Gene Tests Pose a Threat to Insurers,” by Gina Kolata, New York Times

“But for companies selling long-term care insurance, these tests could be a disaster, sending risky patients in search of policies even as those with fewer risks shy away, damaging an already fragile business. ‘There is a question about whether the industry is in a death spiral anyway,’ said Robert Hunter, director of insurance at the Consumer Federation of America. ‘This could make it worse.’” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): There is a simple solution to this dilemma. Allow LTCI carriers to make testing for the “Alzheimer’s gene” a condition of applying for coverage.
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Annuities may create too much income,” by Cassandra Jones, The Record-Courier

“One of the questions I regularly get is whether a person is automatically disqualified from Medicaid if he or her income is too high. The short answer is no. . . . As a practitioner in elder law, one of the biggest areas of concern I have is the over use of annuities to provide for the care of an individual. Done wrong, the asset you just converted to an annuity may cause an individual to have too much income if the applicant needs to apply for government benefits. It may ultimately result in someone converting retirement assets into a
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“IRS announces bump in 2018 HSA limits,” by Kathryn Mayer, Employee Benefit News

“The annual limit on deductible contributions to a health savings account will jump by $50 in calendar year 2018 for individuals and $150 for families, according to the IRS. For 2018, the annual contribution limitation for a person with self-only coverage under a high-deductible health plan is $3,450, up from $3,400 in calendar year 2017, the IRS announced last week. The annual limit on deductible contributions for a person with family coverage under a high-deductible health plan will be $6,900 in 2018, up from $6,750 in 2017.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform): HSAs
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Getting lost could be the first sign of Alzheimer’s, finds new study,” by Rachael Revesz, Independent

“Getting lost, even if you are in a familiar location, could be one of the first signs of Alzheimer’s, scientists have discovered. A new study from Edinburgh University called the Prevent project, which involves other UK research centres, aims to discover the first symptoms of the disease in people when they are still young. . . . Scientists claim . . . that medication is more potent if used on patients during the earlier stages of the disease, and that a healthy lifestyle can also prevent its potential development.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Profile: Christopher Perna,” by Elizabeth Leis Newman, McKnight’s Long Term Care News

“Perna spent 25 years in a successful career in the insurance industry in executive roles, including moving to Rochester, NY, in 1999 to head MedAmerica. . . . Moving to Eden came after a hiatus from the insurance industry, Perna says, when he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do next. After having a conversation with Eden Alternative founder Bill Thomas, M.D., Perna accepted the group’s role of president and CEO in 2010. Thomas says he knew Perna was right because ‘he was able to reconcile the competing demands of the head and the heart.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A.
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

Introducing Your New Online Solution

National Guardian Life is pleased to announce your new online solution – launching May 8th – that allows you to submit your completed client applications with the click of a button! By using the Upload Documents function, you can now expedite your client application submissions while saving money and time. Simply login to the Agent Resource Center and select the Upload Documents button. Quick Tips: ePayment is now available when uploading completed client applications. Make sure to have your clients’ credit card information available to fast track the application by making a $200.00 deposit which is applied towards the premium.
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Categories: Long-Term Care and National Guardian Life.