Important Announcement from LifeSecure

Effective Dec. 1: Closing New Sales of Current Multi-life LTC Product To our Agents and Distribution Partners, Effective December 1, 2017, LifeSecure is closing all new sales of our current Multi-life LTC offering in all states. This follows our recent announcement to discontinue new case setups for our current Multi-life LTC product, with exceptions for MGAs that were given LTC sales quotas. Please note: this decision includes any new hires and other additions to existing groups, as well as all MGAs that were included under our previous exception. **All active employer groups will also receive an email notification on Monday,
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Struggling Americans Once Sought Greener Pastures—Now They’re Stuck”

“Struggling Americans Once Sought Greener Pastures—Now They’re Stuck,” by Adamy and Paul Overberg, Wall Street Journal “When opportunity dwindles, a natural response—the traditional American instinct—is to strike out for greener pastures. Migrations of the young, ambitious and able-bodied prompted the Dust Bowl exodus to California in the 1930s and the reverse migration of blacks from Northern cities to the South starting in the 1980s. Yet the overall mobility of the U.S. population is at its lowest level since measurements were first taken at the end of World War II, falling by almost half since its most recent peak in 1985.
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Older Americans Aren’t as Poor as We Thought”

“Older Americans Aren’t as Poor as We Thought,” by Ben Steverman, Bloomberg “A new paper by U.S. Census Bureau researchers Adam Bee and Joshua Mitchell uses a Social Security Administration database of 2012 tax filings and other earnings data to check on those survey responses. Older Americans, it turns out, are underestimating their income—by a lot. The median U.S. household 65 or older earned $44,400 in 2012, those data show, a figure 30 percent higher than the median given in the census’s Current Population Survey from that year. And whereas the original survey found that 9.1 percent of Americans 65 and older were living below
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Medicaid Managed Care Comes to Assisted Living: Challenges abound as providers adapt to growth of health plans in the Medicaid program”

“Medicaid Managed Care Comes to Assisted Living: Challenges abound as providers adapt to growth of health plans in the Medicaid program,” by Patrick Connole, Provider “States contracting with health plans to operate as Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) is a growing phenomenon. So is the correspondingly sharp rise in MCOs administering services for elders and people with disabilities, under the formal name of managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS). As a result, populations in skilled nursing care centers, and increasingly Medicaid beneficiaries in assisted living communities, are coming under the umbrella of a new world order for reimbursement, where health
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

Genworth Financial Announces Second Quarter 2017 Results

08/01/17 Net Income Of $202 Million, Up 17 Percent Compared To Prior Year; Adjusted Operating Income Of $151 Million, Up 23 Percent Compared To Prior Year RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Merger Agreement Deadline With China Oceanwide Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (Oceanwide) Extended To November 30, 2017 Additional Progress Made On U.S. Life Restructuring Plan With The Remaining Internal Reinsurance Transactions Completed Effective July 1, 2017 U.S. Mortgage Insurance (MI) Second Quarter 2017 Adjusted Operating Earnings1 Increased 49% Compared To The Second Quarter Of 2016, Which Includes A Favorable $10 Million Reserve Adjustment In The Current Quarter Strong
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Categories: Genworth, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“Getting Less Than 7 Hours Of Sleep May Lead To Obesity, Study Finds”

“Getting Less Than 7 Hours Of Sleep May Lead To Obesity, Study Finds,” CBS “Consistently missing out on a full night’s sleep is detrimental to one’s health in different ways and may help contribute to obesity, according to a new study by the University of Leeds in England. . . . The study’s findings revealed that those who reported getting less than seven hours of sleep each night have larger waists than those who get more sleep. . . . Those who slept less also had less good cholesterol, which removes fat from the body.” LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Is Long-Term Care Insurance Still Viable? Key Considerations for Retirees and Advisors”

“Is Long-Term Care Insurance Still Viable? Key Considerations for Retirees and Advisors,” by David La Martina, ThinkAdvisor “From premium hikes to low cost/benefit perceptions among investors, there are myriad reasons why LTCI might be losing its luster. Given the alternatives that have emerged, many clients and advisors are questioning whether traditional LTCI is still viable. . . . Even with all of its downsides, traditional LTC is still a good choice in some cases. One advantage of LTCI is greater LTC-specific coverage per dollar spent, so it may be a wise choice for upper-class clients with significant assets to protect.”
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

GoldenCare Newsletter | July 31, 2017

In this GoldenCare Newsletter Edition From GoldenCare: One Month Left – Double-Dip While You Can! CareShield business will earn you cash awards with this promotion in addition to the prizes awarded for our Sizzling Summer Promo! The GoldenCare Gazette Summer 2017 edition is now available!   Download your copy in this edition. Join us for brand new webinar topics including upcoming special events featuring guest speakers. See our full list of hot topics. Our Guest Article in this edition is “Long-Term Care Insurance Association Reports 39 Percent Increase In Consumer Inquiries,” AALTCI. Enjoy! Industry Updates: The 2017 Med Supp Buyers Guide is available!  Download your copy
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Guarantee Trust Life, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

“Older Americans Buck Trend of Decreased Homeownership”

“Older Americans Buck Trend of Decreased Homeownership,” by Jeffrey M. Jones, Gallup “U.S. homeownership rates have declined among most major demographic subgroups — including by household income and region — except among older Americans, whose homeownership rates have held steady. Overall, homeownership is down eight percentage points, from 71% to 63%. . . . Senior citizens have been immune from the trend of declining homeownership. Between 2001 and 2009, an average of 81% owned a home. Since then, 82% report owning their home. . . . Changing work patterns among seniors may also be a factor in their stable ownership
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

“Alzheimer’s Stats Look Alarming, But No Need to Panic”

“Alzheimer’s Stats Look Alarming, But No Need to Panic,” by Joanne Kaldy, Provider “According to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Alzheimer’s disease mortality increased significantly in 41 states and the District of Columbia from 1999 to 2014. However, as the headlines scream, ‘Death from Alzheimer’s on the Rise,’ Allen Power, MD, an internist, geriatrician, and author of ‘Dementia Beyond Drugs: Changing the Culture of Care,’ says that there is some good news behind the numbers. . . . However, when breaking down the numbers, says Power, a different picture emerges. . . .
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.