Sentinel Underwriting Tip

Blood Thinners and Diabetes Diabetes combined with blood thinners can be a significant underwriting concern. Sentinel Security Life declines Medicare Supplement applications for this combination and may rate New Vantage Life applications. Diabetes can damage blood vessels increasing the chance of forming a blood clot. Clots can be dangerous especially if they form in areas where the inner linings of blood vessels have been damaged. Blood clots can lead to heart attack, stroke and other serious issues. Blood thinners can help reduce this risk. However, research has shown that taking a blood thinner in combination with diabetes medications increases the
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Categories: Life Insurance and Medicare Supp./Adv..

Building a Long-Term Care Strategy

Your clients already insure against potential risks like health, fire, theft or death, any of which could impact their families’ quality of life. Long term care is another risk that comes with high costs that can affect family members for years. The good news is, with your help, planning for long term care expenses might be easier than your clients realize. You can start the conversation with your clients today. Share our Building A Long Term Care Strategy brochure. Send your client this brochure with a handwritten note that you will call them to discuss how this can be taken
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Categories: Genworth and Long-Term Care.

“Is 90 the New 80? Most 90-Somethings Feel Healthy,” by Cari Nierenberg, LiveScience

“Perhaps 90 is the new 80: A new analysis finds that many Americans who reach age 90 and beyond say they are in good health. Few 90-somethings in the study showed signs of depression or cognitive problems, although they took a lot of medications and had difficulty getting around, according to the findings, released today (March 20) in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. . . . The findings suggest that, despite experiencing chronic diseases and disability, Americans over the age of 90 could adapt to their changing health needs and remain positive about their health, Odden told Live Science.” LTC
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Categories: Industry News and Long-Term Care.

Rate Adjustments Effective June 1, 2017 – MO

Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) is a core product for Mutual of Omaha and we intend to remain a key player in this market for years to come. In order to fulfill this commitment, we actively monitor emerging industry trends as well as our own experience so we can make the adjustments necessary that will allow us to keep our promises to policyholders and remain competitive in the marketplace. For this reason, we will be implementing the following rate adjustments effective June 1, 2017: Block of Business Impacted States NHA, LTA, HCA, LT50, NH50 Missouri     For a complete rate
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Categories: Long-Term Care and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Medicare Supplement News – Omaha Family of Companies

High Deductible Plan F and N Release – KY & WA Effective March 18, 2017 we’re expanding our product portfolio to include both these Plans in Kentucky and Washington. New Medicare Supplement Plan – Utah Effective March 18, 2017, you may begin selling our new competitively priced Medicare supplement in Utah underwritten by Omaha Insurance Company. One Company/One State – Florida Effective April 1, 2017 only Medicare supplement in Florida underwritten by United of Omaha will be available for new business and conversions through individual agents. Modernized Rate Release – NC & NE Please review the rate adjustment effective April
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Categories: Industry News, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Maine Approves Lower Inflation Rates for Partnership

Lower inflation rates now qualify for Partnership status in Maine for the MutualCare® Solutions (LTC13) products. This change will be implemented on April 1, 2017. LTC13 policies issued in Maine on or after February 22, 2017, will determine Partnership qualification based on these new guidelines. Software Information The Winflex and MutualCare® Solutions software can be downloaded from SPA, beginning April 1st. View states with approved Partnership and details here. Please remember to keep your Winflex or MutualCare® Solutions software up-to-date by downloading the latest version from SPA. For additional details on Partnership policies and information visit our Partnership page on
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Categories: Long-Term Care and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Rate Adjustments Effective June 1, 2017 – MA and NV

Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) is a core product for Mutual of Omaha and we intend to remain a key player in this market for years to come. In order to fulfill this commitment, we actively monitor emerging industry trends as well as our own experience so we can make the adjustments necessary that will allow us to keep our promises to policyholders and remain competitive in the marketplace. For this reason, we will be implementing the following rate adjustments effective June 1, 2017: Block of Business Impacted States LTC06UI Massachusetts, Nevada     For a complete rate history, see the
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Categories: Long-Term Care and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Rate Adjustments Effective June 1, 2017 – MA

Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) is a core product for Mutual of Omaha and we intend to remain a key player in this market for years to come. In order to fulfill this commitment, we actively monitor emerging industry trends as well as our own experience so we can make the adjustments necessary that will allow us to keep our promises to policyholders and remain competitive in the marketplace. For this reason, we will be implementing the following rate adjustments effective June 1, 2017: Block of Business Impacted States LTC04I Massachusetts     For a complete rate history, see the state
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Categories: Long-Term Care and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Medicare Supplement News – Omaha Family of Companies

Upcoming Rate Adjustments – TN & CA Please review information on upcoming rate adjustments in TN supp/SELECT and CA. •  In-Force Only Rate Adjustment – TN supp/SELECT •  Plan N Rate Adjustment – CA Modernized Rate Release – IL Please review the rate adjustment effective April 1, 2017 for new and in-force 2010 Modernized Medicare supplement. #goldencareagent #MutualOfOmaha
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Categories: Industry News, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Agent Review March Newsletter

NEW: Platform Updates Badge We are proud to announce a badge upgrade that has taken place to many of the profiles on the site. This upgrade includes a Founding Members Badge to any paying subscriber who joined prior to 12/31/16 and Clients’ Choice Badge for any agent that has received 5 reviews within the same calendar year.    Agent’s Guide to Online Reviews Are you looking for ways to improve your insurance marketing? Most agents aren’t taking advantage of one easy and powerful tactic: online reviews. Click here to read an article on Insurance Marketing: Agent’s Guide to Online Reviews
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Categories: GoldenCare News and Industry News.