“Genworth Gets Major Regulatory Approvals for China Oceanwide Deal”

“Genworth Gets Major Regulatory Approvals for China Oceanwide Deal,” by Allison Bell, ThinkAdvisor “Genworth Financial Inc. is now much closer to becoming part of China Oceanwide Holdings Group Co. Ltd. The Richmond, Virginia-based insurer says it has received approvals for the $2.7 billion China Oceanwide deal from several major regulatory agencies. … GLIC has written more LTCI business than any other U.S. issuer. The Delaware Department of Insurance, the lead regulator for a major Genworth subsidiary, Genworth Life Insurance Company (GLIC), has given the deal its blessing. Genworth says it also has received approvals from two major U.S. mortgage guarantee agencies,
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“A Guide to Finding Long-Term Care for Your Loved One”

“How and Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus on Seniors in 2019,” by Jeannette McClennan, Entrepreneur “We see a lot of headlines about how our population is aging, but we don’t see what businesses are doing about it. By 2035, for the first time in American history, people aged 65 and older will outnumber those 18 and younger, and it’s time for entrepreneurs to take note. As someone who has worked in innovation in the senior space, for AARP and elsewhere, I can offer some predictions for what I see as the path forward, and what entrepreneurs — of any age — can
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“Are you heavier or shorter than the average American?”

“Are you heavier or shorter than the average American?,” by Naomi Thomas, CNN “America is struggling with an obesity epidemic, and a new government report says that the population is only getting heavier. … The average weight of American men in 2015-16 was 197.9 pounds; for women, it was 170.6 pounds. This is up from 189.4 pounds and 163.8 pounds, respectively, in 1999-2000. … BMI, a formula involving height and weight, also increased. In 2015-16, the average BMI was 29.1 for men and 29.6 for women. [30 is the cutoff for obesity.] Both numbers have increased since 1999-2000 when they
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“How Your Retired Prospects’ Coverage Has Changed”

“How Your Retired Prospects’ Coverage Has Changed,” by Allison Bell, ThinkAdvisor “U.S. retirees may be covering their eyes and teeth better, but they may have less protection against long-term care (LTC) and disability risk than they did just two years ago. … The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies released a new batch of U.S. retiree survey data today. … The percentage with dental insurance increased a little, and the percentage with vision insurance increased a lot: 40% now have dental coverage, and 35% have vision coverage. But the percentage with disability insurance fell a little, and the percentage with private long-term
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“Long-Term Care Providers Drive Growth in Special Medicare Advantage Plans”

“Long-Term Care Providers Drive Growth in Special Medicare Advantage Plans,” by Anne Tumlinson and Elizabeth Walsh, Skilled Nursing News “Health care providers selling Medicare Advantage (MA) products isn’t a new trend, but typically ‘providers’ refers to hospitals, health systems, or physician groups. Few would expect nursing homes and assisted living operators to be able or willing to manage health care risk for some of the highest-cost Medicare beneficiaries. And yet, as these charts illustrate, long-term care providers are largely responsible for driving rapid growth (23%) in the number of MA special needs plans enrolling institutionalized Medicare beneficiaries over the last
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

In-Force Rate Action Announcement: New Jersey (Choice 1)

As part of the strategy for our long-term care insurance business, we continue pursuing initiatives to improve the risk and profitability profile of our business, including premium increases on our in-force policies, as needed. Alabama has now allowed the following increase for New Jersey certificates issued under a group master policy issued to a trust in Alabama: New Jersey Product Series Increase for Policies with Limited Benefit Periods Increase for Policies with Lifetime Benefit Periods Choice 1 55% 72%       This rate increase was filed and approved in accordance with the laws and regulations of Alabama in which
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Categories: Genworth, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

In-Force Rate Action Announcement: Arkansas AARP (Privileged Choice® and Classic Select®)

As part of the strategy for our long-term care insurance business, we continue pursuing initiatives to improve the risk and profitability profile of our business, including premium increases on our in-force policies, as needed. Arkansas has now allowed the following increases: Arkansas AARP Product Series Increase Percentage Privileged Choice 28.4% Classic Select 28.4% This rate increase applies to AARP® policies only     Communications Timeline Servicing agents will receive a list of their impacted policyholders in this state one week prior to the start of policyholder notifications. Policyholder notifications will begin January 15, 2019 and will continue throughout the next
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Categories: Genworth, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

In-Force Rate Action Announcement: Florida AARP (Privileged Choice® and Classic Select®)

As part of the strategy for our long-term care insurance business, we continue pursuing initiatives to improve the risk and profitability profile of our business, including premium increases on our in-force policies, as needed. Florida AARP Product Series Increase Percentage for Issue Ages: Privileged Choice and Classic Select Ages 18-70: 98.1% phased  (25.6%, 25.6%, 25.6% cumulative) Age 71: 88.4% phased  (23.5%, 23.5%, 23.5% cumulative) Age 72: 78.5% phased  (21.3%, 21.3%, 21.3% cumulative) Age 73: 69.5% phased  (19%, 19%, 19% cumulative) Age 74: 58.9% phased  (16.7%, 16.7%, 16.7% cumulative) Age 75: 48.9% phased  (14.2%, 14.2%, 14.2% cumulative) Age 76: 39.4% phased 
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Categories: Genworth, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

Mutual of Omaha is Invested in Long-Term Care Solutions

From rolling out a Long-Term Care rider for life policies to improving the claims process, we had a lot going in 2018. To see what we have accomplished this past year (with your help), read our wrap-up letter below: Mutually Invested in Long-Term Care Solutions We appreciate all the business you placed with us in 2018 and look forward to more success in 2019.   Mutual of Omaha is Invested in Long-Term Care Solutions   #goldencareagent #mutualofomaha
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

LTCi Underwriting Process Improvement

Starting on January 20, 2019, your clients can start using the new online scheduling portal to schedule their telephone interview if it is needed from underwriting. The online scheduling portal works like this: Application is received by Mutual of Omaha that includes an email address An email is sent out within 24 hours to the applicant Email contains a link to an online telephone interview schedule request Applicant selects the time and date of the telephone interview Interview is scheduled, and confirmation sent out If your clients do not respond to the online email option or don’t provide an email
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Categories: Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).