GoldenCare Newsletter | August 22, 2016

In this Newsletter Edition GoldenCare is pleased to bring you our new “Sales Tools” webinar series.   See demos on our Medicaid Spend-Down Calculator, Inflation Calculator and on StrateCision & CSG Actuarial.   Reserve your seats for these special events! From Mutual of Omaha LTC Tax Advantages for Business Owners – find out if your clients qualify!    Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke is now available on the Mobile Quote App.      Georgia and Illinois agents, be sure to see a rate adjustment that affects you. Genworth Financial announces its Second Quarter results. We also have announcements from LifeSecure and United Security Assurance! Catch
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News! | S&P Reaffirms Mutual of Omaha’s Financial Rating

S&P Reaffirms Mutual of Omaha’s Financial Rating S&P Global Ratings recently reaffirmed Mutual of Omaha’s AA- rating based on our financial strength to meet obligations to our policyholders. Rationale cited in the June 13, 2016 report included Mutual of Omaha’s very strong competitive position, well-recognized brand, broad array of products and very strong operating earnings. That means you can continue to feel confident placing your business with a company known for its strength, stability and financial security. Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company S&P Rating:  AA- (Very Strong) Outlook:  Stable Click Here for the entire Mutual of Omaha announcement. Read Full
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

GoldenCare Newsletter | August 8, 2016

In this Newsletter Edition: Compliance:  Attention Florida Agents, Florida amends DNC Law.  Please see the newsletter for details. S & P Reaffirms Mutual of Omaha’s Financial Rating!    Also, new LTC Claims AND LTC Training Material are now available through Mutual of Omaha.   Don’t miss these important LTCi tools. Guarantee Trust Life has discontinued old Advantage Plus application effective August 15, in several states, please check to see if your state is affected. ICYMI:  GTL was in Forbes! Check out the article “The Growing Need for Short-Term Care Insurance”.    GTL’s RECOVER  CASH® was mentioned in a Forbes article covering the rise
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Categories: Genworth, GoldenCare News, Guarantee Trust Life, Industry News, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News! | We Can Help You Determine Which LTCi Coverage is Best

Good News! If you are quoting Mutual of Omaha’s MutualCare® Secure Solution LTCi for your clients… consider this: The MutualCare® Custom Solution plan offers more benefit, often for only dollars more! In the example below, when compared “apples to apples,” the Custom Solution premium is only about $6 per month more! In addition, the Custom Solution plan includes a higher built-in cash benefit (40% of HHC), a built-in Buy Up feature on inflation options less than 5%, additional spousal rider options (Survivorship, Joint Waiver of Premium), more Return of Premium rider options, and greater flexibility! Plus, our 3-in-1 Promotion is
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

GoldenCare Newsletter, July 25, 2016

In this Newsletter Edition: GoldenCare News:  Register for one of our online training events and receive a Complimentary CE Voucher just for attending!  See newsletter for details and some restrictions.     Also, don’t miss our 3-in-1 Promotion winners!   Congratulations and thank you to our 1st Quarter Promo winners!    Get your apps in to earn cash during the third quarter of our Promo, running now through September 30th! Compliance news on Medicare Part D Certification.   Mutual of Omaha has a revised MutualCare Solutions Product and Underwriting Guide available to navigate you through the field underwriting process.    Also, from Mutual of Omaha, a
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Guarantee Trust Life, Industry News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News! | Running For All of 2016: Our 3-in-1 Promotion for Omaha LTCi

Running For All Of 2016: Our 3-in-1 Promotion For Omaha LTCi With the 3rd Quarter under way, we’re pleased to announce that Promotions 1. and 2. of our 3-in-1 Promotion  have been reset to allow agents additional winnings! Check out the highlights below:   Read Full Good News Announcement
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Long-Term Care, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News! | LTCi Quote Comparisons At Your Fingertips!

Visit often – new tools and services are always being added! One of our most popular tools is the StrateCision LTC Comparison Tool! Quote and compare plans with all of the major LTCi carriers. Plus, use the WebAdvisor section for feature comparisons – to get to know your competition! Access it now by clicking on the image below. Or find it within the “Products” dropdown menu on Questions? Call our Marketing Team at 800-842-7799! Read Full Good News Announcement
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Categories: GoldenCare News and Long-Term Care.

GoldenCare Newsletter, July 11, 2016

  In this Newsletter Edition The winners of GoldenCare’s 3-In-1 Promotion! Catch up on the latest announcements and industry news from Mutual of Omaha, GTL announces Medicare Supplement availability in Tennessee and more!    Genworth has updates on their Element™ product release and their Cost of Care website.     We also have several announcements from Transamerica, LifeSecure and MedAmerica.    Don’t miss our Medicare Supplemental News for all the latest from Mutual of Omaha and Affiliates. Enjoy our Guest Article “Boomers, it’s time to spend – and pay taxes on – your 401(k)” by Suzanne Wooley of Bloomberg.   Read Full
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Categories: Genworth, GoldenCare News, Guarantee Trust Life, Industry News, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

Good News! | Announcing The Winners of the 3-in-1 Promotion’s Bonus Cash Drawing (1st Quarter)

              All of the Mutual of Omaha Custom Solution LTCi business submitted during the first quarter of our 3-in-1 Promotion  has been issued! GoldenCare and American Independent Marketing are pleased to announce the winners of the Bonus Cash Drawing for the 1st Quarter of 2016. (The Bonus Cash Drawing includes 20 prizes, totaling $5,000.) The winners are: $1,000 (1 winner) • Brian O. – WA $500 (three winners) • Brian A. – WI • Mark B. – MN • Roger S. – CO $250 (six winners) • Katharine C. – ME • John F.
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Guarantee Trust Life, and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).

GoldenCare Newsletter | June 20, 2016

In This Newsletter Edition This edition is loaded with announcements!    Catch up on  all the latest including: Mutual of Omaha’s LTCi is now available on Mutual of Omaha’s mobile quote app, MoO is releasing a new Cancer product in Florida, new LTC e-app enhancements and update life insurance product portfolio and underwriting guides. MedAmerica has a rate increase update on CareDirections Simplicity – please see the newsletter to see if your state is included. Genworth is launching Element℠ – a new Long-Term Care Insurance Solution on June 27th!  They also have a new consumer website to help you and your
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Categories: GoldenCare News, Industry News, Long-Term Care, Medicare Supp./Adv., and Mutual of Omaha (& Affiliates).