“Medicaid Financial Eligibility in Pathways Based on Old Age or Disability in 2022: Findings from a 50-State Survey”

  “Medicaid Financial Eligibility in Pathways Based on Old Age or Disability in 2022: Findings from a 50-State Survey,” by MaryBeth Musumeci, Molly O’Malley Watts, and Meghana Ammula, KFF Quote: “This issue brief presents state-level data on Medicaid financial eligibility criteria and adoption of the major non-MAGI pathways as of January 2022. It includes mandatory and optional pathways to full Medicaid eligibility as well as state options to expand Medicaid financial eligibility for people who need long-term services and supports (LTSS) in nursing homes or other institutions or in the community.”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“The Supreme Court just put regulatory oversight on notice”

  “The Supreme Court just put regulatory oversight on notice,” by John O’Connor, McKnight’s LTC News Quote: “By any measure, the Supreme Court just wrapped up one of its more memorable sessions. … But the decision that may most directly affect long-term care providers was actually directed at the Environmental Protection Agency. And its potential impact on skilled care might be hard to overestimate. … The majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, claimed the agency’s heightened emissions rules were a ‘fundamental revision’ of existing law. He added that it’s up to Congress, not the EPA, to make ‘a decision
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“US long-term care insurers see large spike in new customers in 2021”

  “US long-term care insurers see large spike in new customers in 2021,” by Jason Woleben and Hailey Ross, S&P Global Quote: “The number of new individual long-term care customers nearly tripled in 2021. The spike was likely a one-time bump related to the creation of a public option in the state of Washington, which caused many residents to seek private coverage instead of participating in the government-mandated program, according to Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association of Long-Term Care Insurance. In aggregate, U.S. underwriters added 153,687 new lives to their books in 2021, compared to roughly 57,200
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“Long Term Care State Payroll Tax Update”

“Long Term Care State Payroll Tax Update,” BuddyIns   Quote: “This update is intended for our community of LTC planning advocates and insurance practitioners to stay up-to-date on the latest legislative news that we are following at BuddyIns. This is not a comprehensive assessment, so please email us with any news from your neck of the woods.”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: Thanks to BuddyIns for this update on a question I’m probably asked more than any other: which states are doing what about LTC financing? What all the state initiatives have in
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“As interest rates climb, life-LTC combined insurance premiums decline, expert says”

  “As interest rates climb, life-LTC combined insurance premiums decline, expert says,” by Kathleen Steele Galvin, McKnight’s Senior Living Quote: “Some companies that offer long-term care insurance are reducing their premiums to entice enrollment.  ‘Life insurance and life policies with long-term care benefits are very interest rate sensitive’ Jesse Slome, director of American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, told the McKnight’s Business Daily. ‘So, when interest rates go up (as they are now doing), it’s common to see policy premiums decrease.’ Indianapolis, IN-based OneAmerica Financial Partners was perhaps the first company to cut prices, partly because of rising interest rates and partly
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“Making Difficult Decisions: Long-term care or keep farming assets?”

  “Making Difficult Decisions: Long-term care or keep farming assets?,” by James Ferguson, RFDTV Quote: “Aging farm families are facing the prospect of making a difficult decision, do they choose long-term care insurance or keep their farm assets? Director of the National Agricultural Law Center, Harrison Pittman spoke with RFD-TV’s own Suzanne Alexander on if older farmers can do long-term care, some risk management strategies, and their upcoming webinar.”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: This misleading video suggests Arkansas farmers must choose between buying LTC insurance or losing their farms. Medicaid is not
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“9 Emerging Senior Living Technologies That Will Power the Future of Assisted Living”

  “9 Emerging Senior Living Technologies That Will Power the Future of Assisted Living,” MarTechSeries Quote: “Senior living technology is evolving at lightning speed, and the future of assisted living is all about the small things that make life easier and more enjoyable for residents and team members. Although advanced health care services will always be a top priority, the movement toward an aging population has necessitated design changes in senior care facilities. The goal is to make these facilities more engaging and comfortable for those who live there. Here are nine emerging senior living technologies that will be powering
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“A Permanent Pandemic Means a Huge Medicaid Expansion”

  “A Permanent Pandemic Means a Huge Medicaid Expansion,” by Joel Zinberg and Gary D. Alexander, Wall Street Journal Quote: “Covid is now endemic, yet the Biden administration keeps extending the public-health emergency. Its goal is to preserve the expansion of the welfare state through Medicaid, even though large and growing numbers of enrollees are ineligible for the benefit. “Medicaid, the federal-state entitlement that provides health insurance to nearly 1 in 4 Americans, ballooned during the pandemic. Enrollments had declined in 2018 and 2019, but jumped by 15.9 million—about 25%—between February 2020 and February 2022. According to the Centers for Medicare
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“A Small World Is a Big Solution for Workforce Woes”

  “A Small World Is a Big Solution for Workforce Woes,” by Joanne Kaldy, Provider Quote: “Sometimes we find ideas in our own backyard. Other times they come across the ocean or halfway around the world. Increasingly, post-acute and long term care leaders are finding physicians, nurses, frontline workers, and other staff in numerous countries. While immigration isn’t a panacea, it’s one promising solution to the workforce shortage.”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: OK, I get it now. The reason our southern border is open to all comers who can wade or swim
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“US Nursing Homes Face Closure Risks From Staffing Shortages”

  “US Nursing Homes Face Closure Risks From Staffing Shortages,” by Lauren Coleman-Lochner, Bloomberg Quote: “Almost three quarters of nursing homes say they’re at risk of closing due to staff shortages, with more than half operating at a loss, according to a survey. If things don’t improve, most fear that resources won’t be enough to keep them in business for more than a year. … The staff shortfalls are forcing homes to turn away potential residents at a time when occupancy rates are already far lower than before the pandemic.”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.