“As interest rates climb, life-LTC combined insurance premiums decline, expert says”


As interest rates climb, life-LTC combined insurance premiums decline, expert says,” by Kathleen Steele Galvin, McKnight’s Senior Living


“Some companies that offer long-term care insurance are reducing their premiums to entice enrollment.  ‘Life insurance and life policies with long-term care benefits are very interest rate sensitive’ Jesse Slome, director of American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, told the McKnight’s Business Daily. ‘So, when interest rates go up (as they are now doing), it’s common to see policy premiums decrease.’ Indianapolis, IN-based OneAmerica Financial Partners was perhaps the first company to cut prices, partly because of rising interest rates and partly because of customers’ focus on savings, ThinkAdvisor reported.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Exactly as I predicted some years ago to general scoffing.