“Long Term Care State Payroll Tax Update”

Long Term Care State Payroll Tax Update,” BuddyIns



“This update is intended for our community of LTC planning advocates and insurance practitioners to stay up-to-date on the latest legislative news that we are following at BuddyIns. This is not a comprehensive assessment, so please email us with any news from your neck of the woods.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Thanks to BuddyIns for this update on a question I’m probably asked more than any other: which states are doing what about LTC financing? What all the state initiatives have in common is to rely on the threat of government force to impose compulsory participation in social insurance plans on the model of existing, failed federal entitlement programs. Watch for this coming Friday’s “LTC Bullet: Frontload LTC” for a better solution grounded in personal responsibility and individual freedom.