“Is most home care paid by government programs?”

“Is most home care paid by government programs?,” by Yanqui Xu, PolitiFact “For the aging and those with long-term care needs, receiving care at home is more affordable than institutionalized facilities like hospitals or nursing homes. But presidential candidate John Delaney argued on Twitter that even with jobs growing in the home care industry, workers are struggling with low wages because ‘most of home care is paid by government programs, which don’t pay enough.’ Is home care really funded mostly by government programs? We decided to check. … Long-term unskilled care at home is paid for by out-of-pocket private payers,
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.

“In 10 Years, Half Of Middle-Income Elders Won’t Be Able To Afford Housing, Medical Care,” by Virginia Knight”

“In 10 Years, Half Of Middle-Income Elders Won’t Be Able To Afford Housing, Medical Care,” by Virginia Knight, Kaiser Health News “The study suggests that policymakers could expand Medicare benefits to include access to a wider range of supportive services, or create a new benefit, ‘Medicare Part E,’ that funds long-term care. However, other attempts to set up such a program have run into resistance among lawmakers because of cost. While Medicaid is the primary payer of long-term nursing home care, right now the program is available only to low-income seniors. Seniors may become eligible if they impoverish themselves. However,
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Categories: Clippings, Industry News, and Long-Term Care.