“Long Term Care Irony”

“Long Term Care Irony,” by Stephen A. Moses, Broker World    Quote: “So here’s the answer to the ‘Long Term Care Irony.’ People don’t buy private long term care insurance when the government pays for most catastrophic long term care costs, as it has done through Medicaid since 1965. No amount of cajoling, positive or negative incentives will get them to buy. But create a real cost for long term care by forcing them into a payroll-funded government long term care program and they’ll rush to buy private coverage if that escape hatch is available. The lesson for state and
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“Long-term care tops list of retirement concerns of American workers: study”

“Long-term care tops list of retirement concerns of American workers: study,” by Kimberly Bonvissuto, McKnight’s Senior Living    Quote: “Paying for long-term care, declining health that requires long-term care, and outliving savings and investments are among the top retirement concerns of American workers, according to the results of a new survey. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, which has conducted a national retirement attitudes survey of U.S. employers and workers since 1998, released the study, which focuses on the risks and realities negatively affecting workers’ retirement security. Respondents’ most frequently cited retirement fears include outliving their savings and investments (42%), declining health that
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“Senior living, home most frequent destinations after hospital discharge of Medicare beneficiaries,” by Lois A. Bowers”

“Senior living, home most frequent destinations after hospital discharge of Medicare beneficiaries,” by Lois A. Bowers, McKnight’s Senior Living     Quote: “The community (assisted living communities, retirement communities and homes) was the most frequent post-discharge destination in that time period across all regions of the country, higher than skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, long-term acute care hospitals, hospice programs and other inpatient hospitals.”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: Times are changing in long-term care when mostly private-pay senior living outdraws mostly government-financed nursing homes for hospital discharges. This is
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“Half of Americans fear falling more than cancer and want to age in home without stairs”

“Half of Americans fear falling more than cancer and want to age in home without stairs,” Yahoo!    Quote: “According to the tenth annual Nationwide Retirement Institute® Long-term Care survey of 1,812 U.S. adults aged 24 or over and 706 caregivers, conducted by The Harris Poll in October 2021, the vast majority of Americans (88%) believe it’s more important than ever for people to have a plan for long-term care and have long-term care insurance (86%) as COVID-19 has raised concerns about nursing homes. … What’s more, 80% of Americans agree that it is important for them to live in a single-floor home
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“New Research Signals Mass Employee Exodus From Long Term Care Due to Vaccination Mandate”

“New Research Signals Mass Employee Exodus From Long Term Care Due to Vaccination Mandate,” by Joanne Erickson, Provider   Quote: “OnShift’s research indicates a potential mass employee departure from long term care providers as 92 percent of unvaccinated respondents either plan to seek employment where vaccines are not mandated (53 percent) or are unsure of their future employment status (39 percent).”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: The trouble with central planning by regulatory decree is that the unintended consequences are often as bad or worse than the condition the planning was intended to improve.
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“A Massive Elder Corps Is Just Waiting to Be Helpful”

“A Massive Elder Corps Is Just Waiting to Be Helpful,” by Ken Dychtwald, NextAvenue   Quote: “In the 47 years I’ve been studying aging, older adults and retirement in the U.S. and abroad, I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of confusion among retirees regarding what they should be doing with their newfound decades of free time. Different than our grandparents who imagined they’d only have a couple of years post-work before their expiration date, it’s dawning on many of us that we now need to reimagine our lives, restructure our time and maybe even find a new purpose. … Just as
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“BREAKING NEWS: OSHA suspends implementation of COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses”

“BREAKING NEWS: OSHA suspends implementation of COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses,” by Lois A. Bowers, McKnight’s Senior Living   Quote: “The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration said Wednesday that it is suspending enforcement of its COVID-19 vaccination and testing emergency temporary standard after a court ordered that the agency ‘take no steps to implement or enforce” the standard “until further court order.’” LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: As usual, government has one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brakes.             Subscribe to GoldenCare
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“What works for long-term care and what doesn’t”

“What works for long-term care and what doesn’t,” by Stephen A. Moses, McKnight’s LTC News   Quote: “The history of long-term care is best understood as a tension between public and private financing. Over and over again, the private sector has intervened to fix or improve unfortunate conditions created by the public sector. We should learn from this history and capitalize on its lessons. … The lessons of long-term care history are clear. Public programs have diverted the public from responsible planning and left too many people dependent on welfare-financed nursing home care. The private sector has interceded repeatedly with
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“A Clever Strategy to Get Your Long-Term Care Costs Covered by Medicaid”

“A Clever Strategy to Get Your Long-Term Care Costs Covered by Medicaid,” by Eric Reed, Yahoo! Finance   Quote: “A qualified income trust (or QIT) is a special form of trust designed to help people receive long-term care benefits under Medicaid. It is intended for people who make too much money to receive long-term or residential-care benefits under the program, yet too little money to pay for this kind of care on their own. Through a QIT patients can carve out a portion of their income each month into a dedicated account. They lose direct access to this money, but it
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“Payment, regulatory and staffing reforms could emerge from effort to ‘reimagine’ care for older adults”

“Payment, regulatory and staffing reforms could emerge from effort to ‘reimagine’ care for older adults,” by Kimberly Bonvissuto, McKnight’s Senior Living   Quote: “The Dialogue builds on a series of brainstorming sessions by 50 long-term care experts —  including American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living, LeadingAge, National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care, ATI Advisory, PHI, AARP and the Urban Institute —  that resulted in a report, short papers on administrative actions to improve care, and an issue framing paper released in September. … The Convergence Dialogue on Reimagining Care for Older Adults is co-funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation and The
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