“Payment, regulatory and staffing reforms could emerge from effort to ‘reimagine’ care for older adults”

Payment, regulatory and staffing reforms could emerge from effort to ‘reimagine’ care for older adults,” by Kimberly Bonvissuto, McKnight’s Senior Living



“The Dialogue builds on a series of brainstorming sessions by 50 long-term care experts —  including American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living, LeadingAge, National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care, ATI Advisory, PHI, AARP and the Urban Institute —  that resulted in a reportshort papers on administrative actions to improve care, and an issue framing paper released in September. … The Convergence Dialogue on Reimagining Care for Older Adults is co-funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation and The SCAN Foundation.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Get a bunch of “LTC experts” together and this is what they agree on. Turn long-term care over to Medicare. They never start by asking “what went wrong?” so they never conclude that adding more government money and regulation, which caused the current problems, will only make the situation worse. Read Medicaid and Long-Term Care and How to Fix Long-Term Care Financing for the right analysis and solutions.