“In policy break, Medicare to pay for respite services under new dementia care model”

“In policy break, Medicare to pay for respite services under new dementia care model,” by Liza Berger, McKnight’s Home Care “Aging services providers and experts are hailing a new dementia care payment model that, for the first time, allows Medicare fee-for-service to pay for respite services for unpaid family caregivers.” LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: Translation: don’t worry about planning for long-term care, much less paying insurance premiums. The government has you covered. This news might be more hopeful if Medicare were not already on the verge of insolvency.     Subscribe to GoldenCare News
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“California to eliminate asset tests for Medicaid”

“California to eliminate asset tests for Medicaid,” by Rylee Wilson, Becker’s Payer Issues “CMS has approved a proposal from California to eliminate asset tests for Medicaid eligibility. In 2021, the California State Assembly passed a law to raise the limit of financial assets people who qualify for Medicaid because of age or disability can have to enter the program. The law raised the asset limit from $2,000 for an individual to $130,000 for an individual in 2022. The law directs the state to eliminate the asset test entirely at the start of 2024. CMS approved the state’s request to eliminate the test on July 14. CMS said the amendment
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“Comedy Video: D.C.’s Premier Elder Care Community:”

“Comedy Video: D.C.’s Premier Elder Care Community: Where your final years are active, dignified, and pretty much permanent,” by John Carter, Austin Bragg, and Meredith Bragg, Reason D.C.’s Premier Elder Care Community “Nestled in the heart of the nation’s capital, Federal Senior Living & Hospice offers every resident a fully independent lifestyle. With a staff of over 2 million spread across hundreds of agencies, you’re free to abdicate your constitutional responsibilities to highly incentivized lobbyists, career bureaucrats, and college interns. Our members enjoy perks that your constituents can only dream of, including voting privileges, custom transportation, teleprompters, handrails, generous compensation packages, speechwriters, hordes of lobbyists, countless opportunities
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“New OIG Report Examines Prior Authorization Denials in Medicaid MCOs”

“New OIG Report Examines Prior Authorization Denials in Medicaid MCOs,” by Heather Saunders and Elizabeth Hinton, Kaiser Family Foundation “The OIG report underscores concerns about prior authorization and access in Medicaid managed care, keeping this issue at the forefront of ongoing policy discussions. While prior authorizations can help manage health care utilization, denials can create barriers to receiving care, cause delays, affect patient health, and may exacerbate health disparities. OIG suggests that the wide variation in denial rates might be due to varying policies or how they’re carried out. They recommend adding denials and appeals processes that are similar to Medicare Advantage,
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“The Forgotten Generation: Generation X Approaches Retirement”

“The Forgotten Generation: Generation X Approaches Retirement,” Advisor Magazine “new report from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) finds a dismal retirement outlook for Generation X, the first generation to enter the labor market following the shift from defined benefit pension plans to 401(k)-style defined contribution accounts. When looking at median retirement savings levels for Generation X, the bottom half of earners have only a few thousand dollars saved for retirement, and the typical household has only $40,000 in retirement savings. Retirement savings for Generation X is highly concentrated among the highest earners, while Blacks and Hispanics have substantially
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“Tax Advantaged Strategies to Help Clients Plan for Long-Term Care”

“Tax Advantaged Strategies to Help Clients Plan for Long-Term Care,” by Daniel F. Rahill, CPA Practice Advisor “Fortunately, the Internal Revenue Code includes several tax strategies that may help your clients better prepare for the potential costs of long-term care—here are three to consider.” LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: Click through for the details.     Subscribe to GoldenCare News  
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“Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi has full FDA approval now and that means Medicare will pay for it” (copy)

“Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi has full FDA approval now and that means Medicare will pay for it,” by Matthew Perrone, AP “U.S. officials granted full approval to a closely watched Alzheimer’s drug on Thursday, clearing the way for Medicare and other insurance plans to begin covering the treatment for people with the brain-robbing disease. The Food and Drug Administration endorsed the IV drug, Leqembi, for patients with mild dementia and other symptoms caused by early Alzheimer’s disease. It’s the first medicine that’s been convincingly shown to modestly slow the cognitive decline caused by Alzheimer’s. … Alzheimer’s patients and advocates have been lobbying the
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi has full FDA approval now and that means Medicare will pay for it”

“Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi has full FDA approval now and that means Medicare will pay for it,” by Matthew Perrone, AP “U.S. officials granted full approval to a closely watched Alzheimer’s drug on Thursday, clearing the way for Medicare and other insurance plans to begin covering the treatment for people with the brain-robbing disease. The Food and Drug Administration endorsed the IV drug, Leqembi, for patients with mild dementia and other symptoms caused by early Alzheimer’s disease. It’s the first medicine that’s been convincingly shown to modestly slow the cognitive decline caused by Alzheimer’s. … Alzheimer’s patients and advocates have been lobbying the
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“State factsheet not helpful for long-term-care crisis”

  “State factsheet not helpful for long-term-care crisis,” by Elizabeth Hovde, Washington Policy Center “A factsheet from the state about WA Cares, the state’s new program for a long-term-care benefit that many people will never be eligible to receive, is misleading and irresponsible. It could add to the financial crisis the state sees headed its way when it comes to helping people with their long-term care. … Encouraging people not to use their savings for life needs and to instead rely on other taxpayers — some with far fewer resources — is irresponsible and won’t bring the state the most desirable result: people
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“Majority Of Americans Have Taken A Financial Hit Due To Rising Interest Rates”

  “Americans pay $17.5 billion to support parents in a year,” by Kathleen Steele Galvin, McKnight’s Senior Living  “Americans provided $17.5 billion to support their parents in 2020, according to the US Census Bureau. More than half (53.9%) of parental support providers made payments to one parent, and 40.8% made them to two parents. Almost as many adults provided voluntary parental support to parents in 2020 as those who made mandatory child support payments — 4.3 million and 4.4 million, respectively. That’s not to say the dollar amounts were comparable, however, the bureau said. American’s paid significantly more in child support
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.