“Kennedy, Inhofe introduce bill to protect Medicaid recipients”

“Kennedy, Inhofe introduce bill to protect Medicaid recipients,” Senator John Kennedy (R, LA) Quote: “The Protecting Medicaid Beneficiaries Act would expand the Asset Verification Services (AVS) program, which helps ensure that Medicaid beneficiaries are legally eligible to receive benefits, to all Medicaid applicants. AVS currently only applies to aged, blind and disabled Medicaid applicants.”   LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform: A step in the right direction if it passes. But the irony is that fraud is not Medicaid’s only problem. As important are all the legal ways people qualify for Medicaid’s most expensive benefit,
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.

“Don’t Look Up? Medicare Advantage’s Trajectory And The Future Of Medicare”

“Don’t Look Up? Medicare Advantage’s Trajectory And The Future Of Medicare,” by J. Michael McWilliams, Health Affairs Quote: “After a 9 percent increase from 2021 to 2022, enrollment in the Medicare Advantage (MA) program is expected to surpass 50 percent of the eligible Medicare population within the next year. At its current rate of growth, MA is on track to reach 69 percent of the Medicare population by the end of 2030. The subsidies fueling MA’s rapid expansion are well-documented. … MA’s rapid growth has stirred controversy, focused primarily on its exploitation of a manipulable risk-adjustment system. This has allowed MA to appropriate growing, unintended
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Categories: Clippings and Industry News.