“US seniors fulfill dreams, fight depression with virtual reality”

US seniors fulfill dreams, fight depression with virtual reality,” by Leila Macor, TechXplore

“‘We use virtual reality to fulfill seniors’ wishes,’ said Ivanovitch, a digital humanities doctor. Through VR, seniors can go places they’ve never been and check destinations off their bucket lists. VR Genie, which is run by the nonprofit organization Equality Lab, is funded by Miami-Dade County’s Mayor’s Age Friendly Initiative through a mini grant. The goal is to provide nursing homes with VR helmets as soon as Ivanovitch, 35, compiles a more extensive ‘dream library.’”


LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):

I wonder if they have a virtual reality scenario in the dream library for a solution to the long-term care financing crisis.