IUL Cost Comparison Flyer – Now Updated

When it comes to indexed universal life (IUL) products, it seems like all products use the same general design. It can be tempting to choose a product based on which illustrates best or has elaborate marketing features. However, when you look closer at each product illustration, you’ll start to uncover some important differences you and your clients should be aware of. These differences are in the product’s charge structure, and these underlying policy charges can significantly impact a policy’s performance.

In our recently updated Cost Comparison flyer, you will see:

  • How our cumulative charges compare to our competitors
    This shows how much of the premium goes towards accumulating cash value vs. paying for policy costs.
  • The rate needed to achieve the same cash value for the same premium
    This helps isolate all of the other ‘moving parts’ in order to show how products will perform, even at a more conservative rate.
  • Why an IUL product with a higher illustrated rate may illustrate a lower cash value
    This helps show that upside potential is dependent on more than just the illustrated rate, it is also dependent on the fees that are being charged.

Take a look at our updated Cost Comparison flyer to learn why an IUL with a low cost structure is important for your clients.

IUL Cost Comparison Flyer – Now Updated
