“Information campaign on aging and long-term care is wise; taking more earnings from workers isn’t”

Information campaign on aging and long-term care is wise; taking more earnings from workers isn’t,” by Elizabeth Hovde, Washington Policy Center


“An information campaign — one that could point to private long-term-care insurance (LTCI) for workers who LTCI makes sense for — should be coupled with removing taxes on insurance products and better protecting Medicaid. That’d be a better route for the state when it comes to looking out for Medicaid’s LTC spending woes. Cost-shifting to workers saves the state relatively little and costs workers a lot. Creating a new entitlement program for people in need and people not in need isn’t wise. See my policy analysis of the law here.”



LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Insensitive politicians picked the perfect time to raise payroll taxes … just as consumer inflation explodes forcing citizens to pay the cost of the pols’ previous profligate spending. The only good news in all this is that a reckoning is finally coming. Voters will express their fury as the economy slides into inflation-induced recession.