In-Home Care Providers Must Break Through Barriers to Handle More Long-Term Care Volume

In-Home Care Providers Must Break Through Barriers to Handle More Long-Term Care Volume,” by Robert Holly, Home Health Care News

Quote:  “There are several trends shaping senior care in the United States, with two of the biggest being continued Medicare Advantage (MA) growth and the steady shift of health care into the home. Yet if in-home care operators want to capitalize on those trends, they’ll have to break through traditional payment and operational barriers. That’s particularly true for home-based care entities looking to roll out new care models for patients who would have otherwise gone to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs).”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Home care advocates twisted themselves into analytical pretzels trying to make the case that home care is cheaper than institutional care. Now they’re trying to figure out how to make money replacing SNFs with home care. What goes around comes around.