How to Use DI in the Business Setting

Several American workers are employed by small business owners who understand the hard work is what it takes to keep their doors open.

But many small business owners fail to understand how difficult it would be to stay operational if the owner was disabled and couldn’t work. That’s where you come in. It’s your role to help them understand the consequences a disability could have on the business they’ve worked hard to make succeed.

You may hear objections like “I don’t need to be there – my business runs itself” or “My employees would be able to keep things going if I wasn’t around.” The difficulty lies in getting business owners to understand their central role as the heart and soul of their venture, and then to help them realize the need for disability income to protect what they’ve built.

Often in this market, the business overhead expense sale can be a great door opener to additional sales, so be sure to take the opportunity to write ancillary business with these clients.

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How to Use DI in the Business Setting
