Have You Tried the LTC Cost of Care Calculator?

Do your clients realize how expensive long-term care services can be? Based on national average costs, people can expect to pay more than $91,000 per year for a semiprivate room in a nursing home** – and that figure is expected to keep rising.

Use our Cost-of-Care Calculator to Help Your Clients Understand the Need

Mutual of Omaha’s Cost of Care calculator on our LTC Rider site provides national and state averages for a variety of long-term care services, including those received at home, in an assisted living facility and in a nursing home. It also provides estimates of what future costs may be. All you need to do is select the state your client anticipates needing care in, the number of years until care is needed and the assumed inflation rate.

These numbers can help your clients understand why it’s important to plan ahead for their long-term care needs, whether it’s through a Long-Term Care Insurance policy or our new Long-Term Care Rider on our IULs.

For more information about the new Long-Term Care Rider, including rider information and state approvals, go to MutualofOmaha.com/ltc-rider.
** Source: Mutual of Omaha’s Cost-of-Care Study, conducted by Long-Term Care Group, 2018, released 2019.

Have You Tried the LTC Cost of Care Calculator?
