Why long-term care in America is a long-term problem,” by Patrice Hirsch Feinstein and Tara D. Sonenshine, The Hill

“A person turning 65 today, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, has almost a 70 percent chance of needing some type of long-term care services and support in their remaining years. The gap between those needing services and those able to pay for or qualify for Medicaid or some Veterans Administration long-term care services is enormous.”


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

This vacuous article repeats all the clichés about LTC services and financing, but offers nothing to explain why the problems exist or what to do about them other than spending more government money it doesn’t have. We explain the problems’ cause and the solution in “Long-Term Care: The Problem” and “Long-Term Care: The Solution.”