“Why is this modest Medicaid reform so controversial?,” by Chris Pope, STAT

“The federal government currently allocates Medicaid money to states according to how much they are themselves able to spend on the program. The AHCA’s proposed caps would limit the amount by which each state is able to automatically claim increases in funding per Medicaid enrollee from federal taxpayers in any particular year. Taken in context, these proposed caps are extraordinarily modest. Far from threatening to end Medicaid as we know it,” the per-capita caps would do little to alter the program’s existing commitments, and serve mainly to increase the scrutiny applied to expansions of benefits that states may make in the future.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
Good, short article on the eminently sensible change to Medicaid proposed in the AHCA “Trumpcare” bill.

Why is this modest Medicaid reform so controversial?
