“WA Cares Fund projected to be solvent through 2098 in new analysis”

WA Cares Fund projected to be solvent through 2098 in new analysis,” by King 5 Staff, King5 News


“Washington state’s long-term care program – known as the WA Cares Fund – is projected to be solvent through June 2098, according to a new study published by the Office of the State Actuary. … Click here to read the full report.


LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Milliman is the actuarial gold standard and it produced this report. But didn’t other actuaries give us similar assurances in 1935 (Social Security) and 1965 (Medicare)? Now look at their prognoses: insolvency by 2035 and 2028, respectively. What will WA Cares look like after a few years of high inflation, rising interest rates, and increasing government budget deficits? Can actuaries factor in those considerations?