Upload Delivery Requirements

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Upload Delivery Requirements

Beginning Friday, April 28, 2023, you will be able to upload delivery requirements on the Agent Resource Center! Please see below for instructions.

  1. The link to upload the requirements will be located under the New Business Dropdown.
    NGL Delivery Requirements Upload
  2. You will be taken to this screen. You will need to enter the policy number, the name of the policyholder and upload the delivery requirements.
    NGL Upload Form fields image
  3. Once the “Submit” button is selected, a pop up will generate letting you know the documents were transmitted to the NGL Long Term Care Administration Office.
    NGL Upload success confirmation image
  4. A confirmation email will also be sent to you.
    NGL Upload success email image

We look forward to continuing to improve our New Business and E-APP experience for you and your clients!
For agent inquires contact your dedicated NGL Agent Services Team at 888.505.2332 or status@ngl-essentialltc.com. For sales questions contact the Long Term Care Sales Team at LTC@nglic.com.

Upload Delivery Requirements

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