“U.S. Nursing Homes Struggle in Ever-Tougher Market,” by Hoag Levins, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics

“The U.S. nursing home business faces daunting economic and policy challenges as it moves toward a massive wave of baby boomers aging into infirmity, according to a gathering of industry executives at the University of Pennsylvania’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI). Convened to gather raw material for a formal report on suggested reforms for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the National Summit on the Future of America’s Nursing Home Industry focused on the changing demographics, reimbursement models, clinical practices, and government rules of elder care facilities. Keynote speaker and Summit organizer, John Whitman’s opening ‘State of the Industry’ address painted a picture of widespread economic tumult across today’s nursing home industry and the likelihood of larger problems over the next several decades.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
I attended this conference and can affirm that the U.S. nursing home business faces daunting challenges. Congratulations to long-time friend and fellow policy wonk John Whitman on a fruitful meeting.

U.S. Nursing Homes Struggle in Ever-Tougher Market
