“Spending on nursing home, home healthcare growing fast,” by Kathleen Steele Gaivin, McKnights Senior Living
“Nursing home care and home healthcare were two of the fastest-growing categories of healthcare spending in 2023, according to Altarum’s monthly Health Sector Economic Indicators brief, released Tuesday. Initial data show that national health spending overall grew by 6.2% for the year, whereas the gross domestic product grew by 6.3%. Personal healthcare spending grew by 7.7%. … Spending on home healthcare increased 10.7% in 2023, and spending on nursing home care increased by 9.8%, according to the report.”
LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:
Hmmm. Doesn’t look like “rebalancing” did much to cut LTC expenditures as we were promised. Both institutional and home care continue to shoot up. Maybe we should consider a different approach. To make sense of what ails LTC, read the Paragon Health Institute “Long-Term Care: The Problem” and “Long-Term Care: The Solution” and watch this “virtual LTC event” featuring age wave visionary Ken Dychtwald and leading LTC researchers.
Stephen A. Moses, President
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