Shortcomings of the ACA Exchanges: Far Less Enrollment at a Much Higher Cost,” by Brian Blase, Paragon Health Institute

“Please join us October 5th from 2:00-3:00pm for a quick virtual briefing on a recent report from the Paragon Health Institute, titled The Shortcomings of the ACA Exchanges: Far Less Enrollment at a Much Higher Cost. This study was authored by two health actuaries, Daniel Cruz and Greg Fann, and analyzed the efficiency of the Affordable Care Act’s individual market changes as well as the efficiency of premium subsidy expansions that occurred during both the Trump and Biden administrations. Paragon’s Brian Blase and Theo Merkel will host the authors of the report. Gregis an actuary at Axene Health Partners and a strategic adviser on ACA matters. Daniel is a health actuary and cofounder of Presidio HealthCare. Cruz and Fann have a National Review piece that summarizes their findings. Please feel free to share this invite with anyone you think would be interested.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:

Click through to register for this program. Paragon Health Institute will publish my new paper, “Long-Term Care: The Solution,” on Monday.