Reminder: Producer Screening Requirements

To meet state and federal regulations and the Genworth life insurance companies’ standards, a Producer Information and Appointment Form (PIF) version 4/13/09 or after is required for producers seeking an appointment or submitting new business, even if already appointed.

PIF versions dated 4/13/09 and after include execution, certification, and acknowledgement of the following items:

  • Producer Agreement
  • Disclosure of Intent to Obtain Consumer Reports
  • Guide to Ethical Market Conduct

Unless there are changes to the answers to the business practice questions included in the PIF, or otherwise requested by Genworth, this PIF will be good for 10 years.

Producers must notify Genworth of changes to the answers to the business practice questions within 10 days.

Due to state specific regulations, some variations to the above requirements may apply. Genworth Financial companies may request a new PIF at any time.

If you have any questions, contact Genworth’s Licensing & Commissions at 800-911-5684 or email

Reminder: Producer Screening Requirements
