“Private equity sets sights on home care, hospice, new report finds,” by Adam Healy, McKnights Home Care
“The home care segment increasingly has become an attractive target for private equity buyers, particularly personal care and hospice, according to the Private Equity Stakeholder Project, a nonprofit financial watchdog organization. … Personal care is a likely target of upcoming PE activity, according to the report. The field is less regulated than medical practices, and generally has lower operational costs due to being dominated by private pay rather than insurance payers. And as the population of older adults in the United States grows, the number of potential customers also will increase, the report said.”
LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:
Private equity moves into home care? Well, maybe consumers will finally get the care venue they prefer. Medicaid domination of the sector, with its prohibitively low reimbursement rates and institutional bias, stood in the way for decades. Now all we need is a way for people to afford the care they want when the private sector offers it. For that, think outside the box. Read the Paragon Health Institute’s “Long-Term Care: The Problem” and “Long-Term Care: The Solution” and watch this “virtual LTC event” featuring age wave visionary Ken Dychtwald and leading LTC researchers.
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