Our Recovery Care plans now have a higher daily maximum benefit amount

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We’ve increased the benefit amounts for our Recovery Care plans

We’ve increased the daily maximum benefit to $400 for the Daily Nursing Facility (including assisted living and bed reservation) benefit and Daily Hospital Indemnity benefit of our Protection Series Recovery Care plans.

This applies to new business with an application signature date on or after August 26, 2022. There is no change to benefits for existing policyholders.

Update your sales materials   (login required)
The application and outline of coverage have changed, so if you have any paper sales materials for our Recovery Care plans, be sure to replace them. We’ll let you know when the updated brochure is available.

If you need help or have questions, you can email us at AetSSIinformation@aetna.com or call Aetna’s Agent Services Team at 866-272-6630.

Our Recovery Care plans now have a higher daily maximum benefit amount
