New GTL e-App Walkthrough Videos Available

GTL Portal & e-App Updates
GTL's e-App is Your Own AEP Digital Assistant

Need help walking through the e-App quoting
and application process? Need an overview on
the new GTLink or supply ordering?

See below for new how-to videos!

Are you using the GTL e-App this AEP?

Our e-App is your digital assistant for all that you need to sell
GTL this AEP! If you need help walking through how to use
the e-App or Agent Portal, tap the “Agent Help” button on
the login screen. By clicking on the button you will have
access to every step-by-step video that addresses the most
common questions agents have regarding the e-App.

Apple Store Button         Google Play Button

How to Quote on the GTL e-App

How To Quote (GTL)

How to Submit an Application on the GTL e-App

How To Submit An Application (GTL)

GTLink Overview on the GTL e-App

GTLink Overview (GTL)

How to Order Supplies on GTLink

How To Order Supplies (GTL)

New GTL e-App Walkthrough Videos Available
