Medicare News – Omaha Family of Companies

Medicare Supplement:

Announcing Mutually Well
Effective October 1, our Medicare supplement policyholders will have access to begin using this new program to tailor a fitness and wellness plan to meet their needs.
Upcoming Med Supp Rate Adjustments
Please view the upcoming rate adjustments in ID, NV, OR, and PA.
One Company/One State – AL, MS, TN
Our policy is to market only one underwriting company in a state, effective October 1, 2019 only applications underwritten by OIC for AL and UW for MS and TN will be accepted for new business and conversions.
Upcoming Med supp Rate Adjustments
Please view the upcoming Med supp rate adjustments in CO, DE, ID, IN, KS, NE, NJ, OR, and VA.

Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans:

MA and PDP CMS Plan Approval
We have some exciting news to pass along . . . Mutual of Omaha’s 2020 Medicare Advantage and 2020 Mutual of Omaha Rx plans were recently approved by CMS.
MA/PDP Webinar Questions
Here are some of the questions we received during the August 27th webinar. The remainder will be answered in next week’s Express.
