Medicare News – Omaha Family of Companies

Medicare Supplement:

Upcoming Med Supp Rate Adjustments
Please view the upcoming rate adjustments in IL, IN, MI, MO, MN, SC, TN, VI, and WI.
Medicare Supplement Part B Deductible Offset
Effective July 1, 2019, the Medicare supplement Part B deductible offset will be $200 in all states where it is currently $150 ($175 in WI).
2019 3rd Quarter Med Supp Broker Bonus Program
The 3rd quarter Broker Bonus Program period is from July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019.
2019 High Deductible G Fliers
We now have High Deductible Plan G fliers available to order. These fliers supplement the current consumer brochure in your state.

Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans:

MA and PDP Product Training Available
Everything you need to become certified to sell our Mutual of Omaha Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plans is available now on Sales Professional Access (SPA).
