“Medicaid and the Undeserving Rich”

Medicaid and the Undeserving Rich,” by Gerry Sherman, Villages-News.com

“Medicaid was established in 1965 basically to assure health care for the poor, including nursing home care for indigent elderly. Today Medicaid insures more Americans than any other form of health insurance, including Medicare. And 41 percent of all Medicaid funds go to nursing home care; that was $236 billion in 2016! Certainly there are plenty of poor elderly in nursing homes who could not afford LTC insurance and do not have significant savings, but a large number of seniors receiving LTC through Medicaid are neither poor nor unable to obtain LTC insurance. They are seniors who have figured out a way to cheat.”

LTC Comment (from Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform):
Like me, this author worked 40 years in jobs that made him knowledgeable about Medicaid and long-term care. It’s rare for me to find someone so familiar with how Medicaid LTC eligibility really works, but when I do they’ve invariably worked in the field for a long time and have first-hand knowledge.

Medicaid and the Undeserving Rich
