Med Supp Withdrawn In 9 States Effective 1-1-24
Effective January 1, 2024, acceptance of new Med Supp applications in the following states will be discontinued:
- Lumico States — NV and WY
- ELIPS States — IA, IL, MD, MO, NE, OK and SD
Here’s what you need to know:
- Effective 1/1/24, we will no longer accept applications in the above states.
- Any apps started in our e-App must be submitted by 12/31/23, or they will expire on 1/1/24.
- Paper applications received on or after 1/1/24 will be returned.
- Applicants may request an effective date that is after 1/1/24, so long as:
- Paper applications are received by 12/31/23.
- e-Apps are submitted by 12/31/23.
- This change only impacts new business submissions. We will continue to service and pay claims for existing policyholders in these states.
- Commissions of your in-force Med Supp policies underwritten by Lumico and/or Elips Life will not be affected.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Account Manager directly.
Thank you!
Lumico Medigap Solutions Team
Lumico — Insurance Made Clear.