The Own Your Future LTSS Funding and Services Initiative: Options to Increase Access to Long-Term Care Financing, Services, and Supports in Minnesota,” prepared by FTI Consulting, Inc, Actuarial Research Corporation, and the Altarum Institute, for the Minnesota Department of Human Services Aging and Disability Services Administration

“In partnership with Own Your Future, a DHS Adult and Aging Services Division (AASD) initiative, FTI Consulting, Altarum Institute, and Actuarial Research Corporation, facilitated a stakeholder engagement process to solicit recommendations to transform LTSS access and identify funding options. …

The recommendations developed through the stakeholder process include the following:

1. Care Navigation & Support Services A state initiated and collaborative care navigation and support service for all older adults. The purpose is to leverage existing services, provide strong awareness and education, and support families and informal caregivers during their care journeys through a broad online and telephonic approach.

2. A Medicare Companion Product A new insurance product concept that coordinates and funds care needs emerging in retirement. The program would coordinate care across the acute and LTSS care needs through collaborative Medicare and LTSS supporting products. There are two approaches, a voluntary Market Option or an Obligatory Option.

3. A Catastrophic-Lite State Based Program An obligatory state insurance program that would provide funds to help pay for long-lasting, long-term care expenses for five years after a two-year elimination period. The focus is on home and community-based services (HCBS) but funds would be available for facility care as well.”

LTC Comment, Stephen A. Moses, President, Center for Long-Term Care Reform:


We have invited an author of this report to summarize its analysis and recommendations in a “Guest LTC Bullet.” In the meantime, do click through to the source and consider its conclusions and proposals.